304 Samech Vov (Complete Version) – Ko Amar Hashem – Class 06
Page 443 ff. NEW SV p. 557 ff. Explanation of “Elokim Chayim” it is Elokus and Gevul. Torah is different from all other Chochma as they are called Chitzoniyus and Torah is Pnimiyus. This means it is linked to the bli gvul and Ein Sof. Something limited is thus more (infinitely more) than its limitation….
303 Samech Vov (Complete Version) – Ko Amar Hashem – Class 05
Page 423 ff. NEW SV p. 556 ff. Before tzimtzum Harishon [and above BY”A] 3 ideas: Ata, Hu Havaya.The Tzimtzum allows for Elokim [Chayim] to emerge.
302 Samech Vov (Complete Version) – Ko Amar Hashem – Class 04
PLEASE LISTEN TO THIS BEFORE LISTENING TO THE NEXT FEW CLASSES. ******************************************************************* Page 422 ff. NEW SV P. 552 ff.Introduction to the Sugia of Beis Hilel and Beis Shamai and Halacha. Three levels of light: Ohr Atzmi [Yechida, Chaya], Ohr Neshama (Elokim Chayim), Ohr Nefesh Ruach (Elokim).
301 Samech Vov (Complete Version) – Ko Amar Hashem – Class 03
Page 419 ff, NEW SV P. 552 ff. End of the immediate sugia about bitul and Yira reaching Atzmus. ****************************************************************** PLEASE LISTEN TO THIS BEFORE LISTENING TO THE NEXT FEW CLASSES.
300 Samech Vov (Complete Version) – Ko Amar Hashem – Class 02
Page 419 ff. NEW SV p. 552. In Torah Itself there’s Ohr Yashar (from top down) and Ohr Chozer (from the bottom up). Ohr Yashar is when one is tapping into Torah’s light. This includes both ta’anug (delight) light and intellectual light. This is true on two levels 1) Torah as a scholarship vs. Torah…
299 Samech Vov (Complete Version) – Ko Amar Hashem – Class 01
page 417-9. NEW SV p. 549 ff. This Maamar begins by analyzing the repeated phrase: “Hafuch bu VaHafuch bu”. This refers to a movement from the top down (“Milma’ala liMata”) and another from the bottom up (Milmata liMa’ala). Though normally Tefilla (prayer) is associated with “From the bottom up”; a similar idea exists in Torah…
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