Likutei Sichos – Vol 10 p 160 ff – Yaakov’s Best Years
VaYech The Tribes (54) Likutei Sichos – Vol 10 p 160 ff Yaakov’s best years were in Egypt not because of what was going on with him, but what was going on with his children, who were susceptible to the realities of Golus. Their learning Torah made Yaakov’s stay in Egypt the best moment of…
Likutei Sichos – Vol 10 p 049 ff – Avrohom: Before and After His Bris
Vayera Patriarchs (08) Likutei Sichos – Patriarchs – Vol 10 p 49 ff Avrorhom’s life divided into two: before and after the Bris. Before he was doing Judaism (like a brick) afterwards he was Jew, a representative of God on this earth (like a stone which is natural and not like a brick which is…
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