
Likutei Sichos – Vol 20 p 228 ff – Yaakov wants to Reveal the Keitz

Vayechi The Tribes (58) Likutei Sichos – Vol 20 p 228 ff Ya’akov wishes to tell his children when the Geula will come and they will leave Egypt. But God doesn’t let him. How could they both be correct [as Ya’akov is a Merkava and above error]?? The answer is perspective: Ya’akov hopes to encourage…

Likutei Sichos – Vol 20 p 108 ff ~ Eisav is Yitzchok’s Son

Toldos Patriarchs (17) Likutei Sichos – vol 20 p 108 ff Aisav is Yitzchok’s son and as he is in Yitzchok, he and Yaakov are just two versions of avodas Hashem, one that is like a Chossid and the other one who overcomes his Yetzer HaRa. Aisav just made bad choices.

Likutei Sichos – Vol 20 p 073 ff – Akaida

Vayera Patriarchs (09) Likutei Sichos – Vol 20 p 73 ff The Akaida is the last great act of Avrohom’s incredible life. Only at this point is the Mesiras Nefesh of Avrohom Avinu revealed to be totally sacrificial, giving credibility to all the sacrifices he’d made until this point.

Likutei Sichos – Vol 20 p 013 ff – RambaM: go from Reason to beyond Reason to Faith

Noach Patriarchs (01) Likutei Sichos – Vol 20 p 13 ff The Rebbe explains that the RaMbaM considers it important to underscore the idea that Avrohom’s pursuit of God started out initially as a strictly intellectual one. However, he then explains that intellect in and of itself it is not sustainable, as is evidenced from…