
Likutei Sichos – Vol 24 p 222 ff – Fooling the Satan

Rosh Hashana Can we fool the Satan? Five explanations for the idea of ‘fooling the Satan’ 1) The L’vush, we don’t create Yom Tov through Kidush, 2) Rashi, our hiddur Mitzvos discourages him, 3) By cutting back on the Korban of Rosh Chodesh, the Satan leaves us as we are failing ourselves, 4) We feel…

Likutei Sichos – Vol 24 p 107 ff – Arei Miklat

Shoftim In Nigla, it seems so unnecessary to have, let alone add additional cities of refuge. This Sicha offers different reasons for these new cities, until the Rebbe gives us his word: 1) They will serve for those who murder before Moshiach came because, 2) The murdered one’s relatives have a Mitzvah to avenge his…