
Likutei Sichos – Vol 31 p 077 ff- The Shira includes the Beis HaMikdash (02) – Likutei Sichos Vol 31 page 077 ff.

Beshalach Exile and Redemption (125)(02) Class Two: Inside. The first song sings of everything that brings to הוי’ ימלוך לעולם ועד- the world becoming His. The two approaches of Rashi and the Mechilta-how significant is the ridding of the evil to the ultimate purpose?

Likutei Sichos – Vol 31 p 077 ff- The Shira includes the Beis HaMikdash (01) – Likutei Sichos Vol 31 page 077 ff.

Beshalach Exile and Redemption (125)(01) Class One: (oral) introduction, more is discussed about music. The idea of כחות vs חושים. The senses get to the essence and from the essence much more quickly but fleetingly. The “songs” of the Torah are Torah. They speak from the Soul or to the Soul in a way that…

Likutei Sichos – Vol 31 p 069 – Torah is the history of the purpose of the world (04)

Beshalach Exile and Redemption (124)(04) New Year Review Class Four: The Sicha inside. The Yidden 1) followed Moshe’s lead 2) Sang together as they achieved a great and deep unity from Yechida.

Likutei Sichos – Vol 31 p 085 ff – The Manna and Shabbos- total rest (02)

Beshalach Exile and Redemption (133)(02) Class One Hundred and Thirty Two, (second of 2 parts) Likutei Sichos vol 31 p 85 ff. The Manna and Shabbos- total rest. Inside the Sicha. Manna isn’t complete until it doesn’t come on Shabbos. Then, (and only then,) is the true meaning of the Manna (rest, the pleasure of…

Likutei Sichos – Vol 31 p 069 – Torah is the history of the purpose of the world (03)

Beshalach Exile and Redemption (124)(03) New Year Review Class Three: Religion and culture (truth and beauty) can they converge Beautiful and holy seems contradictory, but that is what music in Torah is. Introduction to the song of Moshe and the Yidden and the Yam Suf, holy, real, and beautiful. This class explores the bigger question…

Likutei Sichos – Vol 31 p 069 – Torah is the history of the purpose of the world (02)

Beshalach Exile and Redemption (124)(02)New Year Review Class Two: Miracles and divine revelation, two opposites together: 1) Midnight, death of first born 2) Mid-day, exodus 3) including the splitting of the sea. Introduction to the אז ישיר Moshe and the Jews sing. The true notion of singing, the essence sings from itself, The ten songs…

Likutei Sichos – Vol 31 p 085 ff – The Manna and Shabbos- total rest (01)

Beshalach Exile and Redemption (133)(01) Likutei Sichos vol 31 p 85 ff The Manna and Shabbos- total rest.Lecture (with no text).This class discusses the side of Shabbos and the Manna which explains the idea of pure rest and the divine pleasure of this.And how this is not nothing or worse than nothing.

Likutei Sichos – Vol 31 p 069 – Torah is the history of the Purpose of the World (01)

Beshalach Exile and Redemption (124)(01)New Year Review Class One: The Torah is the history of the purpose of the world, Four steps: 1) Individual, perfection 2) Nation, Tzadikim, Beinonim and Reshaim 3) Galus purge that creates a new entity, the nation of G-d 4) Freedom, is something that comes from inside, it is divine

Likutei Sichos – Vol 31 p 034 ff – Plague of Blood (02)

VaEra Exile and Redemption (093) Class Two. Blood still advances over the week, as its education is completed not only over the course of the week it inflicted Egypt, but even the three weeks between plagues was a part of the education.

Likutei Sichos – Vol 31 p 034 ff – Plague of Blood (01)

VaEra Exile and Redemption (092) Class One. The plague of blood was static- being fully manifest from the first moment and not advancing over the course of the week it lasted. Still at week’s end it was completed- why? We’ll continue next time.