
Sicha – Iyar (10)

Likutei Sichos – Vol 32 p 72 ff When the Sun Comes Out in Iyar. Summary and conclusion.

Sicha – Iyar (09)

Likutei Sichos – Vol 32 p 72 ff Look Up for health. In Nissan we come out of the narrowness of Mitzrayim and all of our limitation. The next and final class explains how this character of Nissan affects the healing that takes place in Iyar.

Sicha – Iyar (08)

Likutei Sichos – Vol 32 p 72 ff What is the Difference Between our Avoda in Nissan and Iyar? The class begins with the question of what comes first: the spiritual level of healing or the physical level of healing? this installment contains an interesting discussion of the unbreakable connection between a Jew and his/her…

Sicha – Iyar (07)

Likutei Sichos – Vol 32 p 72 ff Nissan gives strength to Iyar. Iyar follows Nissan which is a month of miracles. The importance of the discussion of continuity now becomes clear. The miraculous nature of Nissan pours over into Iyar and results in a month of miraculous healing that is beyond nature.

Sicha – Iyar (05)

Likutei Sichos – Vol 32 p 72 ff Miracles beyond nature (1). Class five shifts the focus to another building block in the discussion of healing – miracles. What is common among the miracles in the Torah? The Rambam’s view is discussed.

Sicha – Iyar (04)

Likutei Sichos – Vol 32 p 72 ff The months are distinct and a continuum. A story of the Rogatchaver gaon illustrates the theoretical discussion of time. The analysis of time moves on to the connection with the concept of healing. Each month is significant on its own and in relation to its place in…

Sicha – Iyar (03)

Likutei Sichos – Vol 32 p 72 ff Time is a thing. The series builds with a discussion of the concept of time.

Sicha – Iyar (02)

Likutei Sichos – Vol 32 p 72 ff Nedarim (vows) and Teshuva. The second class delves into the question of deep and complete healing in detail. Including an interesting discussion of Nedarim (vows) and their relationship to Teshuva and health

Sicha – Iyar (01)

Likutei Sichos – Vol 32 p 72 ff Complete Healing.