
Likutei Sichos – Vol 35 p 181 ff – Yosef hints at his identity to his brothers

Miketz The Tribes (44) Likutei Sichos – Vol 35 p 181 ff Yosef leaves hints for his brothers as to who he is. According to RaShI they didn’t keep Kosher, but he still does things to demonstrates the kind of importance in his treatment of them to lead them to the conclusion, that he is…

Likutei Sichos – Vol 35 p 169 ff – Why did Yosef go on a Mission from his Father?

Vayeshev The Tribes (32) Likutei Sichos – Vol 35 p 169 ff Yosef went on a mission from his father to see his brothers knowing what they might do to him. Why did he go? Rashi and Ramban. According to Rashi he knew what they would do and went anyway: 1) He chose to go…

Likutei Sichos – Vol 35 p 163 ff – Yosef goes out of galus

Vayeshev The Tribes (36) Likutei Sichos – Vol 35 p 163 ff Yosef goes out of Galus. This Sicha which analyzes RaShI reveals the two aspects (or steps) in Yosef’s departure from Galus. 1) No opposition, 2) Transforming and becoming the master over the Galus.

Likutei sichos – Vol 35 p 156 ff – Yosef’s Dream

Vayeshev The Tribes (28) Likutei Sichos – Vol 35 p 156 ff How the brothers hear the dream. How Yoseph hears the dream. How Ya’akov hears the dream, and what is Yaakov waiting for? [The geula].

Likutei Sichos – Vol 35 p 150~155 – Dina

Vayishlach Patriarchs (24) Likutei Sichos – Vol 35 p 150-155 Dina’s leaving home ended in disaster, but that does not mean that what she intended on doing was wrong. She was social like her mother and that was very good, it allowed the two of them to influence others to be better people.

Likutei Sichos – Vol 35 p 113 ff – Overt and Covert Enemies

Toldos VaYeitze Patriarchs (22) Likutei Sichos – Vol 35 p 113 ff Supplement, a Maamar from the Alter Rebbe about our Galus Edom (Aisav) lasting so long! Overt and covert enemies, Aisav as an outright evil is dealt with, while the devious Lavan took twenty years to subdue. In our Galus it is Aisav that…

Likutei Sichos – Vol 35 p 076~81 – Avrohom begins to Protest

Vayera Patriarchs (10) Likutei Sichos – Vol 35 pp 76-81 After all is said and done and Avrohom shows infinite loyalty to Hashem, he begins protesting. In this Sicha the Rebbe shows (in Rashi’s view at least) that Avrohom was never questioning God, but the fact that maybe Hashem thought he was somehow unworthy of…