10c. LiYehudim Haysa Orah (ליהודים היתה אורה) 5712-3
Class Three. The beginning and the end of the Ma’amar deal with two ideas: 1) How Purim is different than all the other Yomim Tovim in that it will be distinct after Moshiach comes, as it represents higher than Hishtalshelus. 2) The two big changes of Purim are in A. Torah, that it became ours…
10b. LiYehudim Haysa Orah (ליהודים היתה אורה) 5712-2
Class Two. The Rebbe develops the word idea further. He argues that words come from the essence but they are enlightened and given life from the ‘Midos’ (attributes, Sfiros). This means that the world which is created from His essence [this, the lowest world] has light by passing through the higher ones. In Galus, however,…
10a. LiYehudim Haysa Orah (ליהודים היתה אורה) 5712-1
Class One. This class explores the השכלה in this מאמר. The three worldsבריאה , יצירה, עשי’ה succeed each other, each later world, being lower than the one above it. However to create the physical עשי’ה, requires a strength above all the worlds, represented by the words: אף עשיתיו. He also discusses אצילות כממוצע או [ביתר…
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