Moshiach Overview Series (07)
Class Seven: 12) The idea of interpreting Agados and calculating Kitzin was severely opposed by the RaMbaM for two reasons: A. you can’t really figure it out. B. It’s irrelevant. How RaMbaM (and others) themselves gave Kitzin. 13) Events that will happen physically: A. to push away those who came near (genealogically) illegitimately, B. To…
Moshiach Overview Series (06)
Class Six: 10) The RaMbaM describes Moshiach as coming naturally, because Halacha does not require (and therefore allow) for miracles to be a part of Moshiach. 11) Miracles will never the less happen in one of two ways: A. If Moshiach comes because we earn him אחישנה then miracles happen right away (as the ראב”ד…
Moshiach Overview Series (05)
Class Five: 7) The Galus events that bring Goyim closer to the truth for when Moshiach finally comes. 8) The seven laws of Noach as part of the process of the coming of Moshiach, it is therefore at the end of RaMbaM. 9) Moshiach will teach Torah Chaddasha, even according to the RaMbaM! as such…
Moshiach Overview Series (04)
Class Four: 5) The three categories of 1) Nevua, 2) Torah, 3) Mitzvos. 6) Introduction and beginning of discussion on what happens in preparation for Moshiach’s coming.
Moshiach Overview Series (03)
Class Three: 4) Four steps in being confirmed as Moshiach: A. his personal Avodah, B. His influence on Jewish people. C) His coercive influence on non-Jews, D) His influencing non-Jews through education.
Moshiach Overview Series (02)
Class Two: 3) King Moshiach, Moshiach as a part of Halacha: a king, no more and no less.
Moshiach Overview Series (01)
Class One: 1) Awaiting and desiring Moshiach 2) redemption (as it is) separate from the idea of a person who is Moshiach.
Moshiach Overview Series (08)
Class Eight: 14) After Moshiach comes and all settles there will be a second Yichus event, using Nevua (by Moshiach). However he will only raise people to their proper Yichus but not remove people from within to without. 15) What is Moshiach for? To earn Schar in Olom Haba [this also is what Techiyas HaMeisim…
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