04b. Chayey Sara (חיי שרה) 5712 – Class Two.
04b. Chayey Sara (חיי שרה) 5712, Class Two. Simcha: 1) Joy reveals the Atzmus created through the avoda of Dira BiTachtonim, 2) The prerequisite to joy is humility, 3) The joy (before the original sin was naturally) without murgash., 4) Nowadays the joy is bimurgash, and we must therefore have the joy hidden and the…
04a. Chayey Sara (חיי שרה) 5712 – Class One.
04a. Chayey Sara (חיי שרה) 5712, Class One. Chayey Sara, Chava, Noach, and Sara shared the Avoda of bringing Bittul into Murgash [as opposed to Adam and Avrohom whose task was in the realm of the Bilti Murgash]. Noach tried a bittul of Chochma (wine, pinimyus Bina is Chochma) and failed; Sara tried a Bittul…
Chayey Sara 24:42 – Repetition of the Story of Yitzchok’s and Rivka’s Marriage (02)
Why is the story of Yitzchok and Rivka’s marriage repeated (and) in such detail?
Chayey Sara 24:42 – Repetition of the Story of Yitzchok’s and Rivka’s Marriage (01)
Why is the story of Yitzchok and Rivka’s marriage repeated (and) in such detail?
Chayey Sara 25:12~15 – Twelve sons of Yishmael (Yeshiva 5722/ 2021)
Chayey Sara 25:12-15 12 sons of Yishmael (Yeshiva 5722/ 2021)Yishmael (like Nachor and Yaakov) has 12 sons, what do their names mean?Two explanations (PDF enclosed) mostly from Mifarshim (not ChaZaL) explaining the meaning of their names in two ways:1) [based on ילקוט אור האפילה] the twelve sons names based on Yishmael’s nature (Chessed of Klipa-…
Chayey Sara 25:01 – Kiturah (Yeshiva 5721/ 2020)
Chayey Sara 25:01 Kiturah (Yeshiva 5721/ 2020)Who is Kiturah and why get married at so late an age, after having several children already.Argument if she is Hagar or someone else.
Chayey Sara – The theme of the Parsha: Death – Yeshiva Achei Temimim (5780/ 2019)
Lecture on Chayey Sara, the theme of the Parsha: Death. Yeshiva Achei Temimim (5780/ 2019).This class enlightens the idea that one dies the way they lived, or: one who really lived, lives on after death, while those who didn’t live like human beings die like animals. Four levels: 1) Bisuel, he just disappears 2) Yishmoel,…
Chayey Sara 24:63 – Yitzchok went to pray (lasuach) in the field
Yitzchok went to pray (lasuach) in the field.
Chayey Sara 24:62 – Yitzchok was returning from ”Mibo Lachai Roi”
Yitzchok was returning from ”Mibo Lachai Roi”.
Chayey Sara 24:21 – Eliezer’s Wager
Eliezer’s wager. CHAYE SARA 2009 He was surprised by the positive result.
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