Pekudei 38:21 – Aile’ Pikudei: the 1st Possuk (02)
Class two. This is the maamar class (from 5770) given in conjunction with above class. It explains double allusion to Mishkan and much more.
Pekudei 38:21 – Aile’ Pikudei: the 1st Possuk (01)
Class One. This is the regular Parsha Class. Includes Rashi, Even Ezra, Ramban, sforno, Midrash, Rabbeinu Bichayey (quite interesting), R. Yonoson (Aibeshitz).
Devarim 01:01 – First Possuk (5767/2007)
Devarim 01-01. First Possuk. (5767/ 2007). The Intent of Moshe Rabbeinu’s Final Address.Rabbi Paltiel begins with an introduction to this fifth and final Book of the Chumash. The class then follows with an analysis of the first Possuk (line) of the Parsha. The classic commentaries disagree on the intention underlying Moshe Rabbeinu’s final address to…
Balak 22:02 – Balak’s Motivation (5767)
Balak 22-02. First Possuk (5767).A detailed analysis of Balak’s MotivationThis class will give you deep insight into the story of Balak. Sources covered: Rashi (with interpretation from Ra’av, Taz, a sicha from the Lubavitcher Rebbe), Eben Ezra, Sforna, Tur, Abarbanel, Alshich, Shela, and a ma’amar from the Rebbe. As part of studying the ma’amar, Rabbi…
BeHar 25:02 – First possuk in the Parsha What does “Behar Sinai” mean? (5767)
First possuk in the Parsha. (5767).In this shiur on parshas Behar the first pasuk is analyzed. Why are the words b’har Sinai in the first pasuk? Why is Sinai mentioned together with shmitta (here after mishkan)? Sources include: Rashi, Even Ezra, Alshich, Rachav, and a sicha.
Vayakhel 35:01 – First Possuk (5767)
35-01. The First Possuk, Gathering the People. This class digs deeply into the first half of the first pasuk in this parsha. Sources include: Rashi (and a sicha on Rashi from the Lubavitcher Rebbe), Even Ezra, Ramban, R.Bechaye, Tur, Arizal (one niglah commentary and one nistar), and a maamar from the Lubavitcher Rebbe from 1981.
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