Vayetzei 28:10 – Yaakov Left Eretz Yisroel to Build a Jewish Nation
A class on the first possuk of the parsha. VAYETZE 2006 – HE LEFT TO BUILD A JEWISH NATION At the end of Parshas Toldos, Yaakov Avinu left Eretz Yisroel so why does Parshas Vayetze tell us this again? It begins with a number of pshatim (interpretations) on this question from Rashi, R. Bechaye, Alshich,…
Toldos 25:19 – A Meaningful “Vav”
Commentary on the first possuk. TOLDOS 2006 – A MEANINGFUL “VAV” ; First Pasuk in the Parsha Series. What is the significance of the vav in the beginning of the parsha: “V’aile toldos yitzchak…” (These are the offspring of Yitzchak the son of Avraham). Why does Rashi tell us that Esav and Yaakov are the…
Chayey Sara 23:01 – Life of Sara
The first Possuk in the Parsha. CHAYE SARA 2006 – THE LIFE OF SARA The class continues this year’s theme of analyzing the first pasuk (line) of the parsha. Rabbi Paltiel draws on Rashi, Ramban, Rashbam, Baal HaTurim, Abarbanel, Alshich, and a ma’amar to address the following three questions: 1. Why is it relevant in…
Vayera 18:01 – A Perfect Reward
VAYEIRA 2006 – A PERFECT REWARD The first Possuk in the Parsha. The first possuk in parshas Vayeira indicates that Hashem appears to Avraham. After appearing, however, Hashem does nothing. This mystery is commented on by many Torah greats and is beautifully addressed in Chassidic sources as well. Sources covered include the Rashbam, Rashi, Eben…
Lech Lecha 12:01 – Complete Your Mission
A commentary on the first Possuk. LECH LECHA 2006 – COMPLETE YOUR MISSION Why is the “lecha” in “Lech lecha” needed? The shiur is packed with analysis from different sources starting with Rashi and moving on to Ramban, R. Bechaye, Alshich, Tur, Rikanti, and more. The discussion then moves into the realm of Chassidus with…
Noach 06:01 Righteous in his Generation
Class on first Possuk of the Parsha. NOACH 2006 – RIGHTEOUS IN HIS GENERATION This class on Parshas Noach analyzes a fundamental question posed by all the great commentators, “Why does the Torah qualify Noach’s righteousness in terms of his generation(s)?” Sources include Rashi, Eben Ezra, Ramban, Sforno, Taz, Ralbag, Alshich, Abarbanel, and a variety…
Breishis 01:01 – Breishis Bara Elokim (5767)
Commentary on the first possuk in the Torah. This class on Parshas Bereishis (Genesis) includes an extensive analysis of the very first pasuk (line) of the Torah. After describing creation, the Torah describes chaos. Commentaries discussed include Rashi, Ramban R. Bachaye, and several sichos. This is an intermediate to advanced level class.
Ki Tavo 26:01 – First Possuk in the Parsha – Bikurim
This class discusses the mitzva of bikurim in detail. Sources include: Rashi, Taz (with commentary from a sicha the Lubavitcher Rebbe), E. Ezra, Tur, Alshich, Rachav, a ma’amar from 5745.
Chukas 19:02 – Para Aduma (The Red Heifer)(2007)
First Pasuk in the Parsha Series. This is a wonderful shiur on the classic question of why the Para Aduma (the Red Heifer) is considered “the” archetypal chok¹ in the Torah. Rabbi Paltiel quickly and clearly guides the listener through a powerful collection of sources ending with deep insights from Chassidus. Sources include: Rashi (a…
Shoftim 16:18 – Give Enforcers to Your Gates – First Possuk Series (5767/ 2007)
Shoftim 16-18 (5767/ 2007) – Give Enforcers to Your Gates – First Possuk SeriesShoftim installment of First Pasuk in the Parsha series
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