Terumah 25:02 – Give Yourself To Me (2007)
25-02. Give Yourself to Me. First Pasuk in the Parsha Series – Terumah installment. A lively discussion of “Daber el-beney Yisra’el veyikchu-li trumah me’et kol-ish asher yidvenu libo tikchu et-trumati”. (“Speak to the Israelites and have them bring Me an offering. Take My offering from everyone whose heart impels him to give”). Sources include Rashi,…
Eikev 07:12 – A Real and Reliable Reward (5767/2007)
Eikev 07-12. (5767/ 2007) – A Real and Reliable RewardThe Eikev installment of the advanced First Pasuk in the Parsha Series. Sources include: Rashi, E. Ezra, Ramban, Sforno, the Tur, Yalkut, Alshich, Etz Hada’as Tov, Ralbag, a Ma’amar and Sichos (references coming).
Re’ei 11:26 – Blessings and Curses (First Possuk Series)(2007)
Re’ei 11-26 2007 – Blessings and Curses (First Possuk Series)In depth analysis of the blessings and curses in Parshas Re’ei in this installment of the First Possuk in the Parsha Series. Sources include: Yalkut, E. Ezra, RaMbaN, Sforno, R. Bechaye, Alshich, Etz HaDa’as Tov, Ma’amar.
Bo 10:01 – First Possuk – Come With Me to Pharoah (5667/2007)
This class discusses the meaning of the word Bo in the continuing series on the first pasuk in the parsha. Sources include: Rashi, Even Ezra, Sporno, Tur, R. Chaim Vital, and Sichos.
Matos 30:02 – First Possuk – Halachos of Nedarim (2007)
This installment in the First Pasuk Series examines the question of why the halachos of nedarim (laws of vows) are presented so late in the Chumash. Sources include Rashi, Eben Ezra, Ramban, Rashbam, Tur, Abarbanel, Alshich, and a 4 excerpts from the Parshas Masei sections of the Hemshech Te’Rav.
Beshalach 13:17 – First Possuk Series – A Healthy Simcha (5767)
Beshalach 13-17. First Possuk. (5767)This class is on Parshas Beshalach but it ends with an inspirational idea for Purim! This class is part of the continuing series on the first pasuk of the parsha and discusses why the fear of contact with the Plishtim is the starting point for this parsha. Sources include: Rashi, Even…
Pinchas 25:11 – First Possuk – Pinchas’ Zealous Act and Its Impact (2007)
Pinchas 25-11 First Possuk – 2007 – Pinchas’ Zealous Act and Its ImpactThis installment in the First Pasuk Series examines in detail the circumstances surrounding the action Pinchas took to stop the eruption of sin within the Jewish camp. Sources include: Rashi (with commentary from a sicha by the Lubavitcher Rebbe), Eben Ezra, Ramban, Sforno,…
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