
Bris Mila (Yeshiva 5781/2020)(10)

Bris Mila (Yeshiva 5781/ 2020), Class Ten.2) Second Sicha: the idea of Mesiras Nefesh is the highest (of the three levels) of Bris Mila.This is above the idea of “higher and lower” and before and after Mattan Torah are equal.

Bris Mila (Yeshiva 5781/2020)(08)

Bris Mila (Yeshiva 5781/ 2020), Class Eight.We read Likutei Sichos vol 3 page 757 ff inside.It is a Mitzvah that 1) pervades the physical 2) continues indefinitely. Avrohom waited to be told so it should be the מעשה אבות סימן לבנים for all the Mitzvos we do after Mattan Torah.

Bris Mila (Yeshiva 5781/2020)(07)

Bris Mila (Yeshiva 5781/ 2020), Class Seven.This oral lecture introduces the notion of ביטול הגזירה to the discussion. After Hashem gave the Torah the divide was breached, but before, there was a separation between high and low.The one exception by Avrohom was Bris Mila which is why he used it as a חפצא של מצוה…

Bris Mila (Yeshiva 5781/2020)(06)

Bris Mila (Yeshiva 5781/ 2020), Class Six.Torah Ohr (the “Bris” Ma’amar) Bietzem Hayom Hazeh,Avrohom waited to be told to do circumcision because he wanted a “Mila HaElyona” (the higher Bris) above Havaya that must be mandated from heaven.

Bris Mila (Yeshiva 5781/2020)(04)

Bris Mila (Yeshiva 5781/ 2020), Class Four.Two circumcisions: one we can do, so we must do one out own; the second we cannot do so He does it for us.When one Davens he is in a position to affect in himself BOTH (!!!) levels of Bris. So, when we daven we can and must do…

Bris Mila (Yeshiva 5781/2020)(03)

Bris Mila (Yeshiva 5781/ 2020), Class Three.RaMbaM continued. The second reason for the Bris, is, that as the Bris separates us from the rest it also acts as a unifying force among us. An undeniable marker: who is a Jew. We introduced the Alter Rebbe (Tanya letters 4) at the end of the class: Mila…

Bris Mila (Yeshiva 5781/2020)(02)

Bris Mila (Yeshiva 5781/ 2020), Class Two.The Rambam (More NIvuchim 3, 49) disagrees with this Midrash (explained by the RaSag) he cannot accept that what Hashem made isn’t perfect, it is only that we cannot handle the perfection.He introduces his (first of two) reason for Bris, it is to diminish and curb the Ta’ava (lust).

Lech Lecha 14:01 – “WAR”

Lech Lecha 14-01 “WAR”The Tanchuma says that the battle described in our Parsha is the first ever among human beings.This gives us reason to pause and consider the challenge from on high to mankind not to engage in warfare.

Lecha Lecha – Avrohom: The successful Iyov (Job) – the story of the first Jew (5780/ 2019) Yeshiva Achei

Avrohom – the first Jew, there will never be another. Job is a book in Kesuvim, but it is the oldest book of the TaNaCh, written by Moshe Rabbeinu himself. It is an idea; the search for a perfect man (and woman). The Satan assures G-d Almighty Himself that there will never be another Avrohom….

Lech Lecha 17:15 – Sarai becomes SARAH

Sarai has her name changed to SARAH.