Nasso 06:22 – Birchas Kohanim (5766)(01)
Nasso 06- 22. Birchas Kohanim (5766), Class One.This class on Parshas Nasso covers the Birchas Kohanim which is a part of the YomTov service in which the Kohanim bless the congregation. Sources include Rashi, Rashbam, Baal Haturim, Ralbag, Chinuch, Rabbenu Bechye, Rikanti, and a Sicha from the Lubavitcher Rebbe.
Nasso – Overview (5771)
Nasso Overview of the Parsha (5771).This year Nasso is also before Shavuos. The Mitzvos of this week. Sending off the spiritually unclean is also a benefit for them. Sota and Nazir in our relationship with Hashem (and more).
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