
Vaeschanan 06:07 – ViShinantum Livunecha(5770)

Vaeschanan 06-07. ViShinantum Livunecha. (5770).Teaching your children Torah.

Vaeschanan [06:04 – Boruch Sheim Kevod Malchuso… (5769/ 2009)

Vaeschanan [06-04. Boruch Sheim Kevod Malchuso… (5769/ 2009)

Vaeschanan – Moshe Rabbenu’s Plea to Go Into Eretz Yisroel (2007)

There are many different and surprising commentaries on Moshe Rabbenu’s plea to Hashem to go into Eretz Yisroel. This class covers many as well as Chassidus.

Vaeschanan 06:04 – Shema Yisroel (02) [Eikev] – Philosophy Versus Kabbala on Shema Yisroel (2007)

Vaeschanan 06-04 (Class Two on Shma) [Eikev] 2007 – Philosophy Versus Kabbala on Shema YisroelPart Two in the Mini-Series on Shema Yisroel continues the discussion of Shema Yisroel from the perspective of both philosophy (based on the Rambam) and Kabbala (drawing on Rabbenu Bechaye). . Women’s and Girl’s Beis Midrash and Seminary for Higher Learning…

Vaeschanan 06:04 – Shema Yisroel (01) – Why Two (names) Hashems in the Shema? (2007)

Vaeschanan 06-04 (Class One on Shma) 2007 – Why Two (names) Hashems in the Shema?Part one of a wonderful mini-series on Shema Yisroel. This first class addresses the question of why there are two instances of Hashem’s name in Shema Yisroel. Please note: the part of the recording that has been treated to eliminate excessive…