Vayechi 48:08~09 – Who a re these boys? (Achei Temimim 5722/ 2021)
48-08, 09 Who are these boys? (Achei Temimim 5722/ 2021)Yaakov doesn’t recognize Menashe and Ephrayim suddenly- why? and Yosef changes his mind, how?Giving a Bracha requires Ruach HaKodesh which departs from Yaakov and Yosef argues to bring it back.Various ideas from Mifarshim and Chazal, culminating with Rashi (and the Zohar) that he sees Reshaim coming…
VaYechi 49:33 – Yaakov never passed away (Yeshiva 5781/ 2021)
49-33 Yaakov never passed away (Yeshiva 5721/ 2021).This class touches on various points in Vayechi, such as…1) Chazak2) The Brachos and Ruach HaKodesh3) The kindness of Yosef towards his brothers, being one of themBut most of the class is on the idea that יעקב אבינו לא מת.We explored it on various levels, including how the…
End of Breishis is positive (a thought) (5777/2017).
How is Yosef’s passing at the end of Breishis consistent with the idea of מסיימים בטוב?
VaYechi 49:01~02 – Hausfu.. Acharis Hayamim
Yaakov tried to reveal the Ketz. Then changed his course.
VaYechi 48:16 – HaMalach HaGoel…
HaMalach haGoel… why is Yaakov blessing Yosef through a Malach? Most of this class explores three ideas in the ‘Malach:’ 1) Chakira/ Philosophy, Angels are creations and the Malach is the emissary of Hashem to bless, 2) Kabbalah, this Malach is from the Netiyo, a Sefira. [We have a discussion on ‘Nivdalim’ and Netiyos’]. 3)…
Vayechi 47:29 – Chesed Shel Emes (2005)
47-29. Chesed Shel Emes.VAYECHI 2005 – KINDNESS AND TRUTHPosted on November 2, 2017December 27, 2020 by Rabbi PaltielWhat is meant by “Chesed shel emes” in the context of Yosef’s promise to bury his father Yaakov in Eretz Yisroel? Is kindness driven by altruism or something else? Sources include: Rashi, Baal HaTurim, Shaloh, Rambam, Chizkuni, Abarbanel, Zohar with Likutei…
Vayechi 47:28 – Vayechi Yaakov (2006)
First Possuk in the ParshaVAYECHI 2006 – 17 GOOD YEARSPosted on November 2, 2017December 27, 2020 by Rabbi PaltielAn excellent entry in our continuing series on the first pasuk of the Parsha – this week on “Vayechi”. Rabbi Paltiel addresses the question of why the last 17 years of Yaakov’s life are separated from his total of 147….
VaYechi – Overview (5772/2011)
Vayechi. Golus starts, but Yaakov is above it. Breishis ends with the deaths of Yaakov and Yoseif and the Yidden are left with their words of encouragement.
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