
Vayera 18:17 – VaHashem Amar (02)

VaHashem Amar Class Two: Hashem keeps no secrets from Avohom. His love is extraordinary and deserved.

Vayera 18:17 – VaHashem Amar (01)

VaHashem Amar. Hashem keeps no secrets from Avohom. His love is extraordinary and deserved.

Vayera 18:09 – Vehu Omeid Alihem (02)

Class Two (Supplement to above) Sicha Friday 19 MarCheshvan 5713 to Rabbi Kazarnovsky, a summary of the Maamar ViHu Omeid Aleihem and an incredible lesson, about the Rebbe standing over his Shluchim (Malachim). Toras Menachem 5713 page 140-41.

Vayera 18:09 – Vehu Omeid Alihem (01)

Class One: Vehu Omeid Alihem, What is the significance of Avrohom standing over his guests (the Angels).

Vayera 18:23~32 – Avraham tries SIX times (Yeshiva Achei Temimim 5782/ 2021)

Vayera 18:23-32 Avraham tries SIX times (Yeshiva Achei Temimim 5782/ 2021).Avraham tries to save the evil people of Sedom using various methods:A. Sedom’s worthinessB. His meritsC. and when both those fails he “just” asks for Him not to be angry.Each of the six requests is explored.The first is the most assertive.The second he speaks like…

Vayera 18:13~15 – Sara’s laugh and Hashem’s challenge – Yeshiva Achei Temimim (5781/ 2020)

Vayera 18:13-15Yeshiva Achei Temimim (5781/ 2020).Sara’s laugh and Hashem’s challenge, Avrohom also laughed, but they are different.And Sara denies doubting, and the Torah records this, why?

Vayera (tests, Bris and more) (Yeshiva 5780)

Avrohom’s tests This Parsha Class discusses: 1) The idea of tests and the feat of passing all 10 2) The idea of the Bris, and what it changed 3) Avrohom Davens for Sdom!!!

Vayera 18:21 Airda Na (2005)

Vayera 18:21 Airda Na (2005) The Torah has numerous anthropomorphic allusions to Hashem: “Hashem said”, “Hashem saw”, “Hashem was walking in the garden”, “Hashem was depressed”, and so on. One of the places in Torah where this is discussed is in parshas Vayera. In the story of S’dom, the Almighty has a conversation with Avraham…

Vayera 22:01 – The Test of the Akeida

The test of the Akeida. What is the meaning of a test altogether? Doesn’t He know who we are and what we’ll choose? VAYEIRA 2006 – FROM THE POTENTIAL TO THE ACTUAL This is a powerful class on the question of why Hashem tested Avraham and why he tests us. The classic commentaries explain that…

Vayera 21:33 – Vayita Eshel

Vayera 2009: Vayita Eshel – Insights Avrohom’s “AISHEL”. Tent or Tree.