
Ain Mukdam UMeuchar BaTorah (RaMbaN)

One of the constant issues in the Torah is chronology. The Gemara says the Torah isn’t written in a chronological order. The question is how far from the chronology is the Torah. Two classic commentators debate this question fiercely- Rashi and the Ramban. Rashi holds that invoking “Ain Mukdam uMeuchar…” is quite liberal, while the…

Ain Mukdam UMeuchar BaTorah (Rashi)

One of the constant issues in the Torah is chronology. The Gemara says the Torah isn’t written in a chronological order. The question is how far from the chronology is the Torah. Two classic commentators debate this question fiercely- Rashi and the Ramban. Rashi holds that invoking “Ain Mukdam uMeuchar…” is quite liberal, while the…

Yisro 18:11 – Ata Yadati (now I know…) (5768) (02)

Yisro’s acknowledgment of Hashem was very significant. What (precisely) does it mean? Class Two.

Yisro 18:11 – Ata Yadati (now I know…) (5768) (01)

Yisro’s acknowledgment of Hashem was very significant. What (precisely) does it mean? Class One. Class Two.

Yisro 18:01 – Yisro’s Seven Names

Yisro 18-01, Yisro’s seven namesAccording to the Midrashim (many are included in the PDF included here) Yisro had either 5, 6, 7 or 8 names.The meaning of these numbers. 5 and 6 represent Yechida and higher. 7 is order and 8 is its transcendence.The meaning of each of the seven (eight) names and what they…

The ‘Luchos’ (the Tablets) (Yeshiva Achei Temimim 5781/2021) (03)

Topic Luchos Part Three; (Class For Parshas Teruma 5781).Two Final Points: If the first Luchos arent broken…1) There would not be forgetfulness [in Torah]2) There would be no need for Torah ShaBaal Peh, which (like all things) is both good and bad.Special focus on Luchos and the relationship to awareness of mind and the effect on…

The ‘Luchos’ (the Tablets) (Yeshiva Achei Temimim 5781/2021) (02)

Topic Luchos Part Two: (Class for Parshas Mishpatim 5781)What it means to be created “בין השמשות” a time which has no true time at all.Carved חרות can be read to mean Free חירות from exile and death; two explanations for Galus and two explanations for death (literal and figurative).Length:  27:50

The ‘Luchos’ (the Tablets) (Yeshiva Achei Temimim 5781/2021) (01)

Topic Luchos Part One; (Class for Parshas Yisro 5781)Detailed discussion of the tablets (luchos) themselves – size, shape,qualities etc.   References to numerous sources.The Luchos were physical but they weren’t really from this world.Many aspects of the Luchos was beyond understanding.This class (after an introduction) visits the Luchos using a variety of Maamarei Chazal.Length :  24:22

Yisro 18:01 – Without Yisro There is NO Torah! (Yeshiva 5780)

18-01. Parshas Yisro, (Yeshiva 5780) without Yisro there is no Torah!The Zohar says Yisro’s coming and conceding, needed to happen before Sinai. What makes this outstanding is the fact that Mattan Torah at Sinai is considered a unilateral event, yet Yisro’s concession is a pre-requisite to the giving of Torah.Pharoah, Bila’am and Yisro.So smart, from…

Yisro 20:21 – Mizbach Adama

The Mizbeach (Altar) had to be built directly on the ground. It could be made of either stone or sand. What does it all mean?