
Yisro 20:15 – “Vchol haAm Roim…” (5770)

The total experience that was at the giving of the Torah.

Yisro 20:02 – Anochi (5766)

This class includes Rambam, Even Ezra, Ramban, Rabbeinu bechayey, Chinuch, Ralbag, Chassidus.

Yisro 20:01 – God speaks and we repeat: When and How? (5773/2013)

This entire Posuk is problematic. Besides for the question that it may be entirely unnecessary, it has various anomalies 1) Elokim is mentioned- why? 2) To whom is the Lamor a reference if all Jews and all future generations were actually present at that event? Rashi, Chizkuni,Rambam, Rabbeinu Becahyey, Etz HaDaas Tov, (Kli Yakar, Rikanti),…

Yisro 18:21 – Moshe Needed Advice From Yisro? (2006)

18-21. Yisro 2006 – Moshe Needed Advice From Yisro?This class delves into the question of why Moshe needed advice from Yisro on how to structure his interaction with the Jewish people. The analysis draws on three different Sichos of the Lubavitcher Rebbe.When it seems that Moshe has bad judgement, he’s actually giving what is correct…

Yisro – Matan Torah From The Inside (2005)

This class on Parshas Yisro discusses the meaning of Mattan Torah and the difference between the experience of Mattan Torah that we have at Parshas Yisro versus on Shavuos.