
Toras Menachem – Purim 5716 (06) – Sicha Four (03)

Class Six. Page 144-5. More on values of Chinuch, holy books, God fearing teachers etc.

Toras Menachem – Purim 5716 (11) – Sicha Seven (04)

Class Eleven. Page 152- 4. Continued, Dealing with the hidden Amalaik who claims to care about Hashem, Torah, and Mitzvos, but holds that he is the expert on worldly matters, when in truth: 1) Even when it comes to worldly things Jews are the nation of God, 2) He is even then Amalaik who really…

Toras Menachem – Purim 5716 (10) – Sicha Seven (03)

Class Ten. Page 150- 152. Revealed Amalaik wants you to accept Torah and Mitzvos, just with reason: נשמע קודם לנעשה. However at the end of the forty years there is a new sinister Amalaik, who expects you to listen when it comes to material things.  

Toras Menachem – Purim 5716 (08) – Sicha Seven (01)

Class Eight. Page 147-9. Amalaik, we engage four times. Two conditions of being Jewish: 1) In the desert removed from everything and all worldly things come to us supernaturally. 2) We go into the world, to make all of it holy, Eretz-Yisroel-like. Now we must engage with the world, but still represent God and be…

Toras Menachem – Purim 5716 (07) – Sicha Six

Class Seven. Page 145-6. Ad Dlo Yada and more.

Toras Menachem – Purim 5716 (05) – Sicha Four (02)

Class Five. Page 142-4. Chinuch and Chinuch values. Appreciation for learning and for Hashem Who is behind the learning.  

Toras Menachem – Purim 5716 (04) – Sicha Four (01)

Class Four. page 139- 142. The story of the Megilla is a story about strange priorities: people with great spiritual connections opted “to get little children together and pray” instead of using their political clout. This plan worked. And the lesson is very obvious.  

Toras Menachem – Purim 5716 (03) – Sicha Three (03)

Class Three. Page 137-9 (footnote 97). Since one has the Z’chus to print Chassidus it is appropriate to print only Kodesh and no Chol.

Toras Menachem – Purim 5716 (02) – Sicha Three (02)

Class Two. Page 135-7. Torah development, in later times much more details, more incumbent on the individual, Thus the Printing Press and later Offset were introduced to facilitate this greater learning of Torah that became more quantitative, rather than more qualitative as in earlier times.  

Toras Menachem – Purim 5716 (01) – Sicha Three (01)

Class One. Page 133-5. Why we don’t commemorate the holocaust as we do earlier (and smaller) tragedies. The idea of greater and smaller souls.