Toras Menachem – Vayeitze 5712 (05)
Class Five. The Mitteler Rebbe’s Chassidus. Great Shefa. He wanted Chassidim to meet and discuss Yichuda Illa’a. Page 159-60.
Toras Menachem – Vayeitze 5712 (04) Second Sicha – Class 03
Class Four. The Alter Rebbe’s contribution to Chassidus, teaching the practical side , explains why he revealed this additional dimension in Hashgacha Protis. Also, it was revealed through the Mitteler Rebbe. Page 158-9.
Toras Menachem – Vayeitze 5712 (03) Second Sicha – Class 02
Class Three. The Baal Shem Tov’s view of Hasgacha Protis (as enhanced by the Frierdike Rebbe). 1) Every detail of DaTzaCh is BiHashgacha Protis, 2) Each touches the overall purpose of creation, 3) The details within the details (like who affects this particular effect a person or a wind ) is also precise. The Gemara…
Toras Menachem – Vayeitze 5712 (02) Second Sicha – Class 01
Class Two. The Mitteler Rebbe. Hashgacha Protis. Page 156-7.
Toras Menachem – Vayeitze 5712 (01) – First Sicha.
Yussaschar’s name: How is it pronounced and what does Kabbalah have to say about it? Page 156.
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