
294 Samech Vov (Complete Version) – VaHashem Amar – Class 08

Conclusion of the idea of “Ben Shenaase’ Eved”. We now go back to earlier points in the hemshech (Series). 1) Ben Shenaase Eved. (P. 380 ff.), 2) Toras Havaya and Toraso (The Torah is Hashem’s; and on a higher level it is your own) (p. 385 ff.), 3) Hakim Ola Shel Torah, The Kabalas Ol…

293 Samech Vov (Complete Version) – VaHashem Amar – Class 07

Pages 406-7, NEW SV p. 534-5. The Talmid Chochom’s fear when Paskining (determining) a Halacha (law) has nothing enlightening in it. It’s pure Bittul (and therefore purely from the person) and therefore reaches “Helem HaAtzmi”. This then is the point where Ben Naase’ Eved.

292 Samech Vov (Complete Version) – VaHashem Amar – Class 06

pages 404-5. NEW SV p. 532-4. The point of the above series of discussions now comes to a conclusion. Hashem always helps (even in Birur of Ohr Chozer), but His help is subliminal. It doesn’t undermine our effort. There are levels in this as illustrated by the various mishalim (examples) sighted above.

291 Samech Vov (Complete Version) – VaHashem Amar – Class 05

page 403-4, NEW SV p. 531-2. Fourth example of subliminal help: Reiyas Pnei HaRav (looking at your teacher as you learn) attaches you to his essence. If one is sensitive, this adds an entirely new dimension in being able to access the teachers greater resource of knowledge. It is however, the Talmid’s effort that gets…

290 Samech Vov (Complete Version) – VaHashem Amar – Class 04

Page 403, NEW SV p. 530-31. Third example of subliminal help: Mayvin Davar Mitoch Davar. The power to deduce from what one is taught something new entirely.

289 Samech Vov (Complete Version) – VaHashem Amar -Class 03

Pages 401-2, NEW SV p. 529-30. Second example of subliminal help: Discussing what is beyond the idea (the big picture) to preserve it’s integrity.

288 Samech Vov (Complete Version) – VaHashem Amar -Class 02

page 401, NEW SV P. 528-9. First example of subliminal help: Teaching something briefly (“Derech Ktzara” in a point), to preserve an idea’s integrity.

287 Samech Vov (Complete Version) – VaHashem Amar -Class 01

pages 398-400., NEW SV p. 525-527. Answer- the heavenly inspiration can be overt or covert (subliminal) leaving space for Avoda.