
298 Samech Vov (Complete Version) – Vihaya Ohr Halivana – Class 04

The idea of “Ta’am” isn’t reason (as it is conventionally understood) but “geshmak”, pleasantness or (most precisely) enlightenment. Ratzon with no Taam is a level where the light is so strong as to be like the essence (unknown). While Ratzon (will) with Ta’am can be felt as the light is (less and therefore) revealed. Ta’am…

297 Samech Vov (Complete Version) – Vihaya Ohr Halivana – Class 03

Page 413 ff. NEW SV p. 542 ff. Atzmus vs. Giluyim The absolute “essence” (an unknowable Truth), vs. the relative (“knowable”) truth.This prepares the discussion (in the next class)for explaining how Sa’aros (hair) are a mashal for Atzmus, and their relationship to Halacha.

296 Samech Vov (Complete Version) – Vihaya Ohr Halivana – Class 02

Pages 411-13, NEW SV page 541 ff. Continued . “NEH”I Chadashim”. In the lower third of hishtalshelus the Ein Sof’s power is revealed. How this ties in with halachos being from Ratzon (Sovev) haelyon. And G-dly in spite of the great tzimtzum.

295 Samech Vov (Complete Version) – Vihaya Ohr Halivana – Class 01

Pages 490 ff. NEW SV page 537 ff. Halachos are compared to hair. Sa’aros (hair) represent an enormous tzimtzum. The issue discussed in this Shiur (and the next) is when do sa’aros mean a huge tzimtzum and when do they reveal a very high level of G-dliness. Ha’ara diHa’ara is a light that doesn’t reflect…