016 Samech Vov (Complete Version) – Ze Hayom – Class 05
Maamar Map: Bottom p 12-15 Original Edition (pp18-21 New Edition) – Gan EdenIn Gan Eden, the neshamas experience Taanug Hahasaga, a geshmak from the kavanas (from the Torah) that is in the mitzvot. But this is only a HaAra. In Gan Eden there are bli gvul levels and 3 x a day neshamas go from…
015 Samech Vov (Complete Version) – Ze Hayom – Class 04
Avrohom Avinu rediscovers Hashem. He realized that no one knew what Hashem is, so he formulated his own ideas. Question: Is there a G-D? Of course! the proof is us. What is Hashem? that is very difficult to explain. 1) Understand through Shallilah, 2) Feel Hashem, 3) Derher. The purpose of learning a maamar is…
014 Samech Vov (Complete Version) – Ze Hayom – Class 03
Maamar Map: pp12-17 Original Edition (pp 17-23 New Edition) – Divides Hishtalshelus Hasaga – Taanug Hahasaga – Taanug AtzmiMemale – Sovev – Etzem Ohr Ein SofColored Light – White Light – Black LightThere are many levels in Olomos and Gan Eden. There are two ways to grow. In Olomos one thing builds on the next,…
013 Samech Vov (Complete Version) – Ze Hayom – Class 02
Important posukim:Elokim heivin Darko, v’lo Enosh Mkomo. – Elokim understands His Way and no man His Place.ומעלם לא שמעו לא האזינו עין No one has ever heard nor eyes ever seenלא ראתה אלוקים זולתך יעשה למחכה לו Elokim except for You, that acted for those who M’chakei loNo one not even Adam HaRishon, the Avos…
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