
Ki Sav….. Vishavsa … Shabbos 5746.

The Shabbos that comes before to give Koach already has the actual Shabbos on all it’s levels that will come later when actualized. This affects each moment of the work to be a Shabbosdike moment.

Kigavna 5745.

This very short Ma’amar explores the Friday night Kigavna, from the Zohar. This Ma’amar was said by each of the first three Rabbeiim, (which shows on a unity of forms for ideas). In it he explains the Yichidim that happen on earth as do (always) in heaven (Atzilus). He explains further that the Avoda we…

Farbrengen 5776/2015

Siyum of Tanya and Sicha (19 Kislev 5730) about Shabbos