06a. Vayeshev Yaakov (וישב יעקב) 5712 – Class One.
06a. Vayeshev Yaakov (וישב יעקב) 5712, Class One. Peace exists on two levels: 1) You fight and win resoundingly, 2) there is no fight in the first place, the enemy is automatically vanquished. In Vayeshev, Yaakov is aspiring to the higher peace but gets instead the lower one: In golus Mitzrayim he has tranquility.
פדה בשלום ה’תשמ”א.
Class One. This (first of two) class on this Ma’amar explores the idea of Shalom. To have peace from war has two aspects: A. The evil is נתבטל בעצם מהותו altogether nullified. B. The weapon used to defeat the enemy has to be transcendent- above the struggle altogether. He explains three levels in this: A….
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