
על שלשה דברים העולם עומד ה’תש”מ (Hemshech 3).

Class One. This מאמר is the third in a המשך that discusses the (one two or three) crowns associated with the event of מתן תורה. The question of the number of crowns and who gives them to whom is resolved with the Gemara on the פסוק ברן יחד ככבי בקר ויריעו כל בני אלוקים. All…

צאינה וראינה בנות ציון ה’תש”מ (Hemshech 2).

Class One. This class was on the ביאור (the middle of the מאמר). The question of עבודה צורך גבוה has three answers: In חקירה the answer is עבודה לאו צורך גבוה leaving many misunderstood מאמרי חז”ל. In קבלה the answer is עבודה צורך גבוה in השתלשלות but לא איכפת לי’ה as far as אדון יחיד…

בשעה שהקדימו ישראל נעשה לנשמע ה’תש”ם (Hemshech 1).

Three מאמחז”ל replete with contradiction: 1) Were the crowns created by Yidden or the Malachim? 2) Were there one, two or three crowns? How DO we reconcile the מדרש שיר השירים that speaks of one crown from Yidden to Hashem נעטרה שעטרה לו אמו ביום חתונתו The גמרא שבת that when Yidden said נעשה קודם…

Atta HarAisa Ladaas 5746.

This is a Shavuos Maamar. Two gifts of Mattan Torah: 1) Hashem gave us Himself, 2) He gave us the dew of (for) resurrection. These two gifts are called rain and dew. At Har Sinai and its aftermath even the unearned dew is earned. It is therefore called “Geshem Nidavos”- rain of generosity. Even Moshe…

Vehar Sinai ASHAN Kulo 5747. (Motzoei Shavuos).

Smoke- what’s it doing at Har Sinai? The world is filled with Fire and the world itself smolders.

Bishaa Shehikdimu Yisroel 5747.

Was it two crowns or three that were given at Har Sinai? A unique insight into this question.

V’chul Haam Roim Es Hakolos 5746.

The sounds, flairs and sounds of the Shofar are Chesed, Gevura Tiferes. As Hashem gives them they are from the top down and we apply them from the bottom up. How the Shofar “that is narrow at one end and wide at the other end” can apply “from the top down”. The Torah of Shavuos…

Atta HarAisa Ladaas 5746.

Two gifts of Mattan Torah: 1) Hashem gave us Himself, 2) He gave us the dew of (for) resurrection. These two gifts are called rain and dew. At Har Sinai and its aftermath even the unearned dew is earned. It is therefore called “Geshem Nidavos”- rain of generosity. Even Moshe benefited from these two gifts.