
Lehavin Inyan Omer Siorim 5746.

The Korbon Omer of barley (on Pesach) was a Korbon against the animal, and the Shtei Halechem of wheat that was Chometz (on Shavuos) was the “Human” aspect of Korbon. These two Korbonos combined to allow the eating of Chudush.

VaYomer Lo Yhonasan Machar Chodesh (Sivan) 5746.

Two points of view on the world and the Torah: To learn about the world from the Torah and to learn about the Torah from the world. Two approaches to serving Hashem: From Heaven to earth and from earth to heaven.

Im Bichukosai 5746.

Before Shavuos, Hashem begs us (Im Bichukosai- Lashon Tachanunim) to do Mitzvos wholly. This means in all three levels: Machshava- thought and spiritual connection [Bichukosai TaLaichu), Dibur- Learn and understand the detail of the halacha of Torah (ViEs Mitzvosai Tishmoru], Maase’- Action with Kabbalas Ol [VaAsisem Osom].

Ko Sivurchu 5745.

Class One. Another Ma’amar that is (in part) a Mattan Torah Ma’amar. Why is Hashem introducing Himself as the Redeemer and not as the Creator, considering that Creation is Yesh MeAyin and a far greater miracle? The Rebbe explains because we look at things when they are actual (revealed) and not potential (hidden). Though from…

Tzena UrEna 5745.

Another Shavuos Ma’amar. The Crowns: were there one, two, or three of them? Did they come from the Malachim to us or from us to Hashem? The answer: the source of all the Crowns are the Yidden, and they gave them to Hashem, but we need the help of the Malachim and therefore it is…

Us’Fartem 5745 (Erev Shavuos)

This Erev Shavuos Ma’amar talks about the three steps of 1) Yetzias Mitzrayim, 2) Sefiras HaOmer, 3) Mattan Torah, and argues that in each of these three there was a Koach Elyon that allowed for this event to happen 1) Nigla Alaihem… 2) MiMuchras HaShabbos, the higher than hishtalshelus Koach for Sfira, 3) the ‘Tmimos’…

B’Shaa Shehikdimu 5745.

Class One This shiur explains the three level of 1) Bitul to Ratzon Prati of the Mitzva, 2) Bitul to the Will for all Mitzvos (as one), 3) Bittul to Hashem (He who has given them the Mitzvos). Class Two. In this class we explore the connection between the three bittuls 1) Ratzon Prati, 2)…

Karov Hashem 5744.

Class One. Moshe’s explaining to the Malachim that they didn’t get the Torah because they don’t have a Yetzer Hara etc, is really about the idea of Dira Bitachtonim. Fortunate is one who comes here (to Gan Eden) with the Talmud in his hand, meaning he brings along the level of Torah connected to action….

Vichol HaAm Roim 5744 (a יתרו Ma’amar)

(This is a Yisro Ma’amar) Why was Mattan Torah with so much fan fair and noise? The idea is that Mattan Torah reveals ‘Atzmus’ that breaks ‘The decree that separates the higher from the lower’. The ‘noise’ affects Bittul which is (in a way) the Keli to receive ‘Atzmus’ The Class discusses the change that…

A Parshas Nasso Ma’amar ה’תשמ”ג (?)

צאינה וראינה ה’תשמ”ב There are three Midrashim regarding crowns and Mattan Torah, in one there is one crown, in another there are two and in the third there are three. These contradictions are resolved in this Ma’amar. They correspond to serving Hashem with Mesiras Nefesh בכל מאודך in each of the three areas of תורה…