
Monday 8 Adar, 5773, February 18 2013.

Shma Kolainu (2). Shma Kolainu inside. Two introductions: 1) What is the meaning of the word Tefilla, to connect. 2) Shma in Hashem means that He should pay specific attention. Two levels of this prayer were explained and both were read inside: 1) As a request for things, 2) As a request for a connection…

Monday 1 Adar, 5773, February 11 2013.

Shma Kolainu (1). Shma Kolainu, is about Hashem accepting and helping us connect to Him, spiritually, in Prayer. So many variations in Nusach exist. Beginning with the question of why it says twice “ki” (because), and the question of mentioning that Hashem is our Father, to much else. In this class, this blessing is divided…