Monday 8 Adar, 5773, February 18 2013.
Shma Kolainu (2). Shma Kolainu inside. Two introductions: 1) What is the meaning of the word Tefilla, to connect. 2) Shma in Hashem means that He should pay specific attention. Two levels of this prayer were explained and both were read inside: 1) As a request for things, 2) As a request for a connection…
Monday 27 MarCheshvan 5773, November 12 2012.
ViLiyerushalayim ViLiyirushalayim, there are so many versions and meanings to this Bracha it is extraordinary. 1) RaSaG, 2) R. Amram gaon, 3) r. Noson Gaon, 4) Machzor Vitri, 5) Ri ben Yakar, 6) Rokeach, 7) Abudraham. First an overview and commentary on what separates the different readings and meanings and then an attempt at unraveling…
Refuainu (the eighth Bracha of the Amida) (5772/2012).
Healing has many levels. This class explores this a little bit.
Monday 6 MarCheshvan 5773, October 22 2012.
Ata Gibor. Long Version. (5773/2012). The Gevura of Hashem is His containing Himself in His world. Even where there is fault and flaw, rather than destroy and recreate, He works within the confines (gevuros) of His creation, to renew it, and even to bring it back from the dead.
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