37. Shlach Lecha 5738
Shlach Lecha 5738This Ma’amar tells the story of the Miraglim (the spies) and pays almost no attention to their sin.Instead this Ma’amar explains that the mission of the Miraglim (the spies) was the second step (after Mattan Torah and “ביטול הגזירה” which is the first step) towards entering Eretz Yisroel and elevating it.This required an…
Shlach 15:38 – Tzitzis (Yeshiva Achei Tmimim (5780/2020)
Shlach: Tzitzis, a class given at Yeshiva Achei Temimim (5780/ 2020) on Parshas TzitzisParshas Tzitzis entails the Mitzva of Tzitzis, which includes 1) a בגד and 2) פתילי לבן white threads and 3) תכלת blue threadsThese three represent 1) סוכ”ע and 2) ממכ”ע and 3) ממלא שממלא.The last is so precise that it doesn’t apply…
32. כי תבואו אל ארץ מושבותיכם ה’תשל”ט
כי תבואו אל ארץ מושבותיכם ה’תשל”ט The Midrash says that this Parsha (of נסכים) was Hashem giving Moshe the instruction and Torah with which to console the Yidden after the מרגלים fiasco. Its consolation has to do with the fact that it is the Torah of Ratzoi and Shov, or Korbanos along with Minchah and…
Lehavin Inyan HaNesachim 5747.
Explanation for why this Mitzva (of Nesachim) comes after the story of the Spies. It’s the Ratzui and Shov after the exclusively Ratzui of the Miraglim and their generation.
Shlach Lecha 5746.
The Yidden in the Midbar claimed they are already doing birurim and “Pidyon Shvuyim”, but it was not enough. They needed to go into Eretz Yisroel and deal with lower and more challenging birurim there. Moshe was reason and they, as his disciples, followed reason and came to this conclusion. But Moshe gave the will…
Im Chafetz Banu 5745.
The Miraglim, a commentary on the standard Ma’amar of chassidus on the Miraglim. In p’shat down here bad people with bad intentions and bad actions, why does Chassidus paint them in such a lofty light? Answer: Chassidus speaks of them as they are in their Shoresh where there is only good. Beis Shamai and Beis…
להבין ענין הנסכים תשמ”ג.
The נסכים (libations) would not begin until the Yidden went into Eretz Yisroel, a full forty years after the קרבנות started in the משכן. This מאמר explores why, using קריאת שמע and תפילין as the illustration. In the מדבר they had only מצוות of רצוא and not שוב therefore they had no נסכים which represents…
וישלח יהושע ה’תשמ”ב
Moshe’s spies were his choice, Yehoshua’s was a divine mandate, Why? Yehoshua’s spies concerned themselves with the practical level of Judaism which is everyone’s and a divine commandment, while Moshe’s were concerned with something above the practical and that is not for every body.
להבין ענין פרשת הנסכים ה’תשמ”א.
This מאמר explains the idea of רצוא ושוב as it relates to קרבנות (only) once Yidden go into and settle ארץ ישראל. קרבנות are רצוא and מנחה ונסכים are שוב. In עבודת האדם they are both in Davening: קריאת שמע וכו’ ואח”כ שמונה עשרה, are רצוא ושוב. In life they are: 1) Being in Shul…
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