
ViHaya BaAchulchem 5722.

A Ma’amar about Challah and an analysis of the Possuk Vayikra 15, 19-20). Lechem from heaven and from earth. Three stages: 1) Birur from the top down, 2) from the Bottom up, 3) Elevated into Atzilus again and this explains (the Pesukim of) Challah.

שלח לך אנשים התשי”א.

Class One. The process of bringing heaven down to earth involves three steps: 1) setting up the possibility (inheritance, Bracha), 2) actually doing it (toiling in Torah, doing Mitzvos), 3) the reward (gift beyond our possibility, the reward of the Mitzvah is the connection itself). When Moshe sets up the work and when Yehoshua sets…

Shlach 15:32 – The Mikoshesh (5769)

Shlach 15-32. The Mikoshesh. (5769).What did he do and why.

Shlach 15:18 – Chala (5770)

Shlach 15-18. Chala. (5770).Some insights into this Mitzva.

Shlach 15:02 – The Nisachim (Libations)(5765)

Shlach 15-02. The Nisachim (libations). (5765).This Mitzva that is meant to accompany Korbonos would only go into effect once the Yidden entered Eretz Yisroel. Why?

Shlach 14:17 – To Pray for G-d (5768)

Shlach 14-17. To pray for G-d. (5768).Moshe’s prayer involves “Praising Hashem” to “Raise Him” to a level from which He can forgive us. What does all this mean?

Shlach – Overview (5771)

Shlach (5771).The entire Parsha has the theme of Shlichus. This means you represent Hashem with free will- choosing to represent Him. But you must represent Him loyally. An overview of the entire Parsha.

Toras Menachem – Shlach 5712 (01) 1st Sicha.

Unfinished The idea of “Doing as the Rebbe does”, going down to engage in basic Inyonim of Yiddishkeit.The Shabbos the Frierdike Rebbe spent in Kastrama and its lesson.

Shlach 5759/1999 – The Story of the Meraglim (Spies)

Rabbi Paltiel begins with a concise summary of the events from just prior to the Exodus from Egypt all the way up to Moshe Rabbenu sending the spies to Eretz Yisroel. A gripping version of the story of the spies is presented leading to some deep questions and a summary of the answers provided by…

Shlach 15:38 – Beginner’s Class – Tzitzis (1999)

A Beginners classA great shiur on Tzitzis including history and more