
25. ויהי ביום השמיני התשל”ט

ויהי ביום השמיני ה’תשל”ט Class One: This Ma’amar’s heart (ביאור) is about the three numbers: 7, 8, 10. 7 is order and perfection, this is represented by the world as Adam and Chava were in Gan Eden. 8 is what is transcendent of that, this is represented by the work we do now to correct…

Livyasan zeh yatzarta 5712

1) Point One: the day is divided into four. Only in the last quarter of the day, is Hashem enjoying (being “pleasured” by) what we do. This is the playing with Livyasan idea, we are all the fish in the sea one with Him maximally serving Him Point Two: there are Souls called fish which…

ויהי ביום השמיני ה’תש”ם.

Eight is higher than the cycle of seven, and rather than start again it is what is above the cycle שומר את ההיקף and above (even eight) is ten. Moshe calls on this eighth day because although he is the seventh, he includes within himself the levels of eight (Bris Mila) and ten (?) as…

Livyasan Ze Yatzarta 5747.

The Livyasan and Shor HaBar are completely opposite approaches to G-d. They will meet in Olom Haba and do “Schechita” (raising up) on one another.

Vayehi Bayom Hashmini 5747.

This rather long Maamar (taught in two installments) is connected to the Maamar Tefila L’Dovid of the Shabbos before this. The topic continues to be sweetening Gevura (judgment and exactitude). It explains that theme as it relates to 1) The manifesting of the Shechina, 2) Birchas Kohanim, 3) Pesach and more. Class One Class Two

Vayehi Bayom Hashmini 5743.

This classic Shmini Ma’amar explores: 1) The world is represented by (order in the) number 7. 2) In the Bais Hamikdash there was a higher wholeness (as it reveals Havaya as opposed to Elokim) also in the number 7. 3) in Moshiach’s time there will be the number 8, associated with ‘Mochin ChaBaD’ which is…

ויהי ביום השמיני ה’תשמ”ב.

The numbers seven, eight and ten. Three levels in Shabbos. These numbers as they apply to days, weeks and years. To Moshe Rabbeinu and Moshiach.

לפיכך נקראו הראשונים סופרים ה’תשט”ז.

Class One. In this class we explained the deeper meaning of this Gemara. Because they counted and had a precise number of letters they saw to it that the Torah and the Tehillim should have a center where Ein Sof can be manifest to correct חטא עץ הדעת and גלות אדום. The concept of a…

Shemini 10:01 – Nadav and Avihu (5765)

What did they do and what happened to them. Many opinions and ideas are presented, including the Rabbeinu Bechayey [see there end of Mitzora]. Culminating with the famous Or HaChayim Hakadosh.