
Introduction to Sefer Shmos

Shemos Exile and Redemption (061) [See Likutei Sichos vol. 16 pp. 475-479] This oral class (is based on a Sicha, though no Sicha was read), explains that for a nation to be born, where even the greatest sinners are members, we must be branded on the deepest levels of the subconscious, and that was Galus…

Habaim Yashreish 5747.

The lowest Avoda is the highest and will be revealed in the end.

Viale’ Shmos 5746 (5772/2012).

Golus has two Yeridos and Geula has two Aliyos. This is true in general: 1) Geula from Mitzrayim 2) the Geula of Moshiach and in particular: in each of these two Goliyos there are two levels of descent and two levels of ascent 1) like ascending from limitation of thought 2) Ascending from limitation of…

Habaim Yashresh Ya’akov 5743.

Why does the Parsha that epitomizes Golus have a Haftorah that talks of Geula? The answer: the point of Galus is Geula. Not only the Geula from Mitzrayim is hinted here but all the Geulos including the final one. It is very important to reveal however that this advantage of Geula begins emphatically on the…

Shmos 04:11 – “Mi Sam Pe LaAdam…” (5766)

“Mi Sam Pe LaAdam…”. Moshe claims he can’t lead the nation because of his speech impediments, and Hashem explains that He is the master of all.

Shmos 02:14 – Achein Noda Hadavar (5769)

Achein Noda Hadavar. Moshe learned an unpleasant truth about his people. This reflected a deficiency of faith on his part.

Shmos 01:14 – VaYimuraru (5773/2013).

The Torah describes Yidden’s suffering in Mitzrayim over many P’sukim and it seems that it got worse in stages. This Possuk, VaYimuraru, adds what to this progression. What are the particulars of 1) Merirus of Chayim, 2) Avoda Kasha, 3) Chomer, 4) Liveinim, 5) Kol Avoda BaSade, 6) Parech? RaMabN, Midrash, RaMbaM, Rabeinu Bechayey, Alshich,…

Shmos 01:13 – Vayaavidu…biFarech (5771)

Vayaavidu…biFarech. What does “Farech” mean? Hard work, 2) Sweet talk, 3) crumbled, 4) A Wall, 5) Questions. Watch all these five ideas converge in an incredible teaching from the “Meor Ainayim” (Reb Nochum of Chernobel).