
Shofar (Yeshiva, Elul 5780- 5781), Class Nine.

Shofar (Yeshiva, Elul 5780- 5781), Class Nine.Explaining that the reason for the need for בנין המלכות (specifically) is due to seven differences between Malchus and the other Sfiros:1) The difference in the source (RaDlA or Arich)2) It’s Mihus (One point vs nine Sfiros (in hiding))3) The אופן or מציאות of it’s Mihus4) The method of…

Shofar (Yeshiva, Elul 5780- 5781)

Shofar (Yeshiva, Elul 5780- 5781), Class One.Introduction: The Sages Unlock the Power and Mystery of the ShofarThis class provides historical background on the Jewish Sages who givethe multiple reasons underlying the use of the shofar at Rosh HaShana.Sages discussed include Reb Sadya Gaon as explained 700 years ago bythe RADA (Reb David Abudraham), the Rambam,…

002 Samech Vov (First Version) – Yom Tov Shel Rosh Hashana – Class 02

p.1 (New SV p 1-2)A mitzva Klali encompasses the whole yiddishkeit, while a Mitzva Prati is a specific thing to do. Many Mitzvas have both components. Al pi the RaMbaM in order to be counted as one of the 613 commandments a mitzva must be practical i.e. something that is done. Shofar blowing encompasses three…

001 Samech Vov (First Version) – Yom Tov Shel Rosh Hashana – Class 01

P. 1 (New Sv p 1)Introduction to the Hemshech Samech Vav. Hemshech Samech Vav is very organized from beginning to end, and is complete. The first questions are answered last while the middle questions are answered in the middle. This Hemshech talks about how to reach The Aibishter Himself. It discusses which is better, reaching…

382 Samech Vov (Complete Version) – Siyum Hadrush – Class 01

Siyum HaDerush: [the Shiur follows the four steps of Davening: 1) shofar 2) pesukie Malchiyos, 3) Zichronos, 4) Pesukei Shofros]. This Shiur explored two points: 1) Shofar is Bitul Atzmi and Kabalas ol Atzmi and reaches (only) Etzem of Ohr Ein Sof. Shofar must come first because without it nothing would matter. 2) Pesukei Malchiyos-…


Psalm recited before blowing Shofar.

Sicha – The Siddur (05)

Likutei Sichos – Vol 39 p 43 ff The refutation of the second answer, if T’kiyos Shofar requires emotion, then the RaMbaM would have put the passion in the laws of Shofar not T’shuva. We move on to the final answer and we go back to the kabbala. The L’shaim Yichud issue (introduction). Page 45-6.

Sicha – The Siddur (04)

Likutei Sichos – Vol 39 p 43 ff The second answer (after refuting the first) is that the preparation is personal and therefore cannot be described by the Alter Rebbe (beyond saying to prepare yourself) as it is altogether individual. Page 45.

Sicha – The Siddur (03)

Likutei Sichos – Vol 39 p 43 ff Reb Avrohom Dovid Lavut in Shaar HaKolel, sees the two points as one, that the preparation for Shofar is the recitation of Psalm 47. The Rebbe actually supports his grandfathers idea and explains it, (but he will argue soon). Page 44-5.

V’chul Haam Roim Es Hakolos 5746.

This is a post Shavuos Maamar. The sounds, flairs and sounds of the Shofar are Chesed, Gevura Tiferes. As Hashem gives them they are from the top down and we apply them from the bottom up. How the Shofar “that is narrow at one end and wide at the other end” can apply “from the…