
003 Yom Tov Shel Rosh Hashana – (יום טוב של ראש השנה) 5666 (In Depth Version) – Class 03

Shofar is Teshuva; which reveals the inner heart, Outer heart comes from the mindInner heart comes from the Neshama, and is aroused by suffering, or by sins (the desire to do Teshuva).The first sound of the Shofar, Tekia, audible cry of the inner heart.The middle Teruah is the inaudible cry of the inner heart.The last…

01. Kvod Malchuscha (כבוד מלכותך יאמרו) 5712

01. Kvod Malchuscha (כבוד מלכותך יאמרו) 5712The process of creation is About Gevuros, but then the Gevuros must be sweetened to reveal Hashem’s Melucha in the world. This is the difference between 25 Elul and Rosh Hashana. Every year Hashem resigns and His kingship is renewed not from words alone, but from words accompanied by…