
Shoftim – Overview: A study in Leadership

Parshas Shoftim, A study in Leadership. This class overviews the Parsha and enlightens the idea of leadership, as represented by the four most basic form of leadership: 1) Judges and a court system 2) Kings and their immense power according to Torah 3) Prophets and the illusive nature of their integrity 4) Generals, armies are…

Likutei Sichos – Vol 24 p 107 ff – Arei Miklat

Shoftim In Nigla, it seems so unnecessary to have, let alone add additional cities of refuge. This Sicha offers different reasons for these new cities, until the Rebbe gives us his word: 1) They will serve for those who murder before Moshiach came because, 2) The murdered one’s relatives have a Mitzvah to avenge his…

Likutei Sichos – Vol 24 p 107 ff – Arei Miklat

In Nigla, it seems so unnecessary to have, let alone add additional cities of refuge. This Sicha offers different reasons for these new cities, until the Rebbe gives us his word: 1) They will serve for those who murder before Moshiach came because, 2) The murder-ed’s relatives have a Mitzvah to avenge his blood for…

שופטים ושוטרים ה’תשמ”א.

The basis for this מאמר is the ש”ך על התורה’s idea that it refers to the gates on the body of the person. There are two ideas what the gates are. 1) All seven are in the face and head. 2) The gates are in the entire body. The Rebbe wonders what is the reason…

Shoftim 18:13 – Whole, Sincere, and Simple (5767/ 2007)

Shoftim 18-13 (5767/ 2007) – Whole, Sincere, and SimpleThis class for Parshas Shoftim analyzes the Possuk, “Tamim tihye Hashem Elokecha” and brings home the point that a Jew should rely on Hashem plain and simple. Sources include RaShI, Even Ezra, RaMbaN, Sforno, Alshich, Shach, Likutei Torah and a Ma’amar (5672). Women’s and Girl’s Beis Midrash…

Shoftim 16:18 – Give Enforcers to Your Gates – First Possuk Series (5767/ 2007)

Shoftim 16-18 (5767/ 2007) – Give Enforcers to Your Gates – First Possuk SeriesShoftim installment of First Pasuk in the Parsha series