
16. להבין ענין כתיבת ספר תורה ה’תש”ל (Muga)

Class One. Introduction to the idea of edited Ma’amarim. The face has three levels: 1) Large holes [ears, nose, mouth etc.], 2) hair, 3) the face itself. These three levels are understood in two opposite ways, in terms of revelation the first reveals the most, but in the essence, the last reveals the essence itself…

More from the of the Wisdom of the Lubavitcher Rebbe (5774/2014).

Stories and thoughts about the Rebbe, leadership and sacrifice. The audio quality isn’t that good, we’re sorry.

From the of the Wisdom of the Lubavitcher Rebbe (5773/2013).

An overview of some ideas and quotes that are basic to the Rebbe’s teachings.