
Arbaa Rashei Shanim Heim 5745

Rosh Hashana is all about Tzimtzum! This Ma’amr that followed the Yud Shvat (5745) chidush of Tzimtzumim explains, that the reason for a head (of a year) is so the light can be brought lower and lower and lower, so that the Yid down here can achieve Achdus with Hashem through Avoda.

Arbaa Rashei Shanim Heim 5731.

Arbaa Rashei Shanim Heim 5731.Rabbi Paltiel presents a ma’amar of the Lubavitcher Rebbe on Tu B’Shvat that discusses the concept of the “New Year for Trees” in both Halacha and Chassidus (source: Melukat, Vol.5, p.169). This shiur was presented in Shevat 5768 (January 2008) at the… Women’s and Girls’ Beis Midrash and Seminary for Higher…

15 SHVAT short thoughts.

15 SHVAT short thoughts, (5771). TU BISHVAT (5776/2016).Some thoughts. 1) Roots, 2) Tree, 3) Fruit, the point is to remain connected, exist, give to others- fruit. 2) what fruit are for [to procreate, the cycle of life; or] to feed man- the linear direction, everything is going upwards towards God. 15 Shvat 5780, Man’s comparison…

Shabos Bishalach, 13 Shvat 5712.

After Mincha the Rebbe said a few words about the “Alter Rebbetzin.” Sara Imeinu was special among the Imahos because she was actually tested (by the Pharoe in Egypt) thus revealing her greatness from the potential to the actual state. The point of creation is that all be actualized [on the level of “Poel”]. This…

Basi Legani 5748.

Yeshiva Version. 770 (Women’s) Version.

Voyomer Hashem El Moshe Ma Titzak ailai 5746.

This Maamar is a Hemshech (continuation) from the Basi Ligani. The Rebbe explained that in ch. 16 of the Frierdike Rebbe’s Basi Ligani the two ideas of Ohr Ein Sof Limmala Ad Ein Ketz and Limata Ad Ein Tachlis are in the same light. This Shiur begins by completing what was left uncompleted in the…

Basi Ligani 5746.

1) the Yerida and Aliya of the (original seven sins as well as all future Yeridos due to) chataim makes our effort at Dira BiTachtonim one of a Baal teshuva and Milchama Gedola achieved with Avoda Gedola (of Simcha). 2) Moshe’s giluy at Har Sinai was the beginning, the full giluy was in the Beis…