
Vayehi BiEtzem Hayom Haze’…. Tzivos Hashem 5746. (5772/2012).

This Maamar is based on the Maamar of Parshas Bo 5683, when our Rebbe came to his Rebbe (the RaYatz) for the first time. The Maamar said that Shabbos, would be repeated 27 years later as the Maamar Basi Ligani 5710 of the Previous Rebbe’s histalkus. On the occasion of the printing of this early…

Basi Ligani 5744.

Class One. This first class is mostly the introduction. 1) The first sins were superimposed by Hashem to have a T’shuva rather than a Tzadik world. 2) This causes it to last forever as 3) darkness is addressed and transformed, 4) Tzivos Hashem achieve this with Mesiras Nefesh and Kabalas Ol, 5) The two Prakim…

Amar Reb Oishiya… Tzidkas Pirzono 5743.

The Possuk which is the source of Reb Oshiya’s limud is addressing the end, the reward that will be when Moshiach comes: The pizur, the scatter and its challenges, will bring the infinite blessing, the Prazos. Netzach is brought forward from a King in very trying times, But it gets you the treasure. The Nimshal…

Basi Ligani 5743.

Class One. 1) Introduction, 2) Histalkus means a revelation which is universally the same, 3) Moshe builds the Mishkan as he is the seventh who brings the Shechina down here, 4) When there is opposition the Midas HaNetzach emerges, 5) Question: ‘Limata Mata Ad Ain Tachlis’- why so much Torah explains Klipa and in so…

Basi Legani 5741 באתי לגני ה’תשמ”א.

Class One. This class deals with Perek 11 of the Previous Rebbe’s Ma’amar באתי לגני. The discussion centers around the עבודה of יראה, קבלת עול and מסירת נפש of the צבאות השם. When the King faces a מלחמת נצחון his מדת הנצח is aroused and he pulls out all the stops: Engaging in the war…

Basi Legani 5737 (2) באתי לגני התשל”ו ב.

Class One. These two Ma’amarim (the previous one and this one) are very similar, but there are minor differences. We obviously learned both Ma’amarim. The spirit of the מאמר is about ביטול, and he seems to use it in place of the typical אתכפיא ואתהפכא that is so familiar to באתי לגני. This is connected…

Basi Legani 5736 (1) באתי לגני התשל”ו א

Class One. This first of two classes on the first of two מאמרים on פרק ו’ מבאתי לגני התש”י. The spirit of the מאמר is about ביטול. This is connected to the shape of letter דלת as opposed to the letter ריש. Behind the דלת there is a small יוד, this represents ביטול. However, based…

Hayosheves Baganim 5735.

When the Malachim and Neshamos come to listen to the Jewish people down here earning Torah, Hashem Himself joins. Only here where darkness is transformed to light (not only displaced by light, but actually transformed), is the highest Godliness available. The word ‘VaEd’ means forever but it is also representative of the physical (lowly) world,…

Basi Ligani 5735.

Class One. 1) Introduction, overview of the entire hemshech (two points): 1) Iskafia ViIshapcha (Korban, Shtus, Sheker to keresh), 2) Tzivos Hashem. 2) three examples of Shtus DiKdusha in Tefilla, 1) VaAni Baar Vlo Aida Behaimos Hayisi Imach Vaani Tamid Imach, 2) Korbanos, 3) ViImcha Lo Chafatzti. 3) The question: why does the Frierdike Rebbe…

Basi Ligani 5734 (Ma’amar One)

Class One. This class includes: 1) an introduction and overview of Basi Ligani, 2) The Question: How can the Nefesh HaElokis and Nefesh haBahamis ever interface? they are opposites. Only Hashem can join opposites together through ‘Nimna HaNimnaos’ but not man. Example one: The Gedula and Gevura employed in creation. The Rebbe shows that they…