
10 Shvat (5777/ 2017).

Rebbe, what it means and what we must do.

10 Shvat, Bo and Bishalach, A thought (5776/2016)

In 5710 10 Shvat was Shabbos Bo and the following year when the Nesiyus was accepted was on Wednesday Bishalach (The Shira).

A Rebbe leadership (5775/2015).

How does a leader think and why does it seem not intellectual and how in fact it is super intellectual.

Parshas Bo and Bishalach(5775/2015).

Two Parshiyos connected to Yud Shvat and the significance of this.

Hiskashrus. Farbrengen, 10 Shvat 5773.

Some stories, what is Hiskashrus.

Two Letters. 1 Shvat 5711. (5772/2012).

Two letters from 1 Shvat 5711 about the upcoming Yahrtzeit, it’s minhagim and the focus on the Maamar basi Ligani and more.

The Yud SHVAT story.

The Yud Shvat story. Stories about the sixth Rebbe of Lubavitch (Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Schneerson) (his yarzheit is Yud Shevat), the year after his passing 5710 or 1950, and the first days of the leadership of the young seventh Lubavitcher Rebbe (Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson) in 5711 or 1951.

Thought (5774/ 2014).

Perhaps Rosh Chodesh Shvat has a Hakhail quality.

Rosh Chodesh SHVAT (5770).

The day that the Torah was translated into 70 languages.

Erev Rosh Chodesh Shvat (5776/ 2016)

A thought.The Ba’al Shem Tov spoke בלשון אידיש in Yiddish Davka.