
Sicha – Lech Lecha – (08)

The lesson: each person must (“climb the mountain from the bottom”) personalize yiddishkeit in addition to doing the truth we were born into.

Sicha – Lech Lecha – (07)

Explanation of above. Mattan Torah gives access to the absolute truth with it’s advantages and challenges.

Sicha – Lech Lecha – (06)

Personal vs. “organized” Yiddishkeit. Each has different strengths. Personal Yiddishkeit is (of course) personal, Organized Yiddishkeit is bigger than you and doesn’t allow you to create your own rules.

Sicha – Lech Lecha – (05)

Likutei Sichos – Vol 15 p 75 ff The same question applies to (why) the story of Yetzias mitzrayim (the exodus) is written in the Torah?

Sicha – Lech Lecha – (04)

Likutei Sichos – Vol 15 p 75 ff Ramban’s proposal perhaps Breishis is “a sign for the children” for prophecy. Refutation of above.

Sicha – Lech Lecha – (03)

Likutei Sichos – Vol 15 p 75 ff The issue of “Ain limadin milifnei Mattan Torah”- We don’t learn any of the Mitzvos from what is recorded prior to the point (in the Chumash) of The Giving of the Torah.