Toras Menachem – K’doshim 5714 (09) – Sicha Nine (01)
Class One: Page 253. Introduction for the discussion on the development of Ma’amarim.
Toras Menachem – K’doshim 5714 (04) – Sicha Five (01)
Page 245-8. The Tzadik must also have the advantage of T’shuva, it motivates growth in an infinite way.
Toras Menachem – K’doshim 5714 (02) – Sicha Two and Three.
Page 243-5. The Simchah is motivated by two ideas: 1) A person is where he wants to be, so he is already in the geula, 2) The longing and anticipation puts the person there. The Niggun Tzama Licha Nafshi.
Toras Menachem – K’doshim 5714 (01) – Sicha One.
Page 242-3. Ani Ma’amin, Simchah, what is there to be BiSimcha about, what we have revealed to us when Moshiach comes, that we are earning now.
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