Likutei Sichos – Vol 18 p 018 ff – Bamidbar and Shavuos
Likutei Sichos – Vol 18 p 18 ff – Bamidbar and ShavuosThe connection between Parshas Bamidbar and its closeness to Shavuos. The three ideas of 1) סגולה and 2) ממלכת כהנים and 3) גוי קדוש connecting it to Shavuos and how they are represented in Parshas Bamidbar 1) counting all Yidden, 2) counting all Leviim,…
Toras Menachem – Summer 5727 – Mivtza Tefillin (04)
Toras Menachem vol. 50 page 4(6)[8]-54. Class Four. The idea of Achdus Yisroel as it relates to the essence of every Jew is connected to Torah. It was revealed during the Six Day War.
Toras Menachem – Bamidbar 5719 (01)
Class One: Page 309-10. The question: why is the location of the count of Yidden “Midbar Sinai” pointed out at the beginning of Parshas Bamidbar? The issue of Sinai being a source of hatred.
Toras Menachem – Bamidbar 5719 (06)
Class Six: Page 313- 314 The good and bad of the material: The material of the material is very useful and good, but the spirit of the material in and of itself, isn’t good. Toil for a Yeshiva Bochur is only in Torah עמל תורה.
Toras Menachem – Bamidbar 5719 (05)
Class Five: Page 312-313 The count of the Jewish people includes all Jews also the not such good ones, and they are also taught that the first thing is שנאה לעניני העולם because the order in life is first סור מרע and afterwards עשה טוב.
Toras Menachem – Bamidbar 5719 (04)
Class Four: Page 311- 312 כל היוצא למלחמת בית דוד גט כריתות כותב לאשתו is the first level because separation isn’t the same thing as hate. The second level is שמשם ירדה שנאה לעולם some things need to be hated!!! This explains why Sinai is mentioned when Yidden are being counted.
Toras Menachem – Bamidbar 5715 (07)
Class Seven. Page 82. Along the same lines of the Sicha, this is why we must learn Chabad Chassidus rather than Chassidus HaKlalis, moreover we must learn the Chabad Chassidus of the later Rabbeiim.
Toras Menachem – Bamidbar 5715 (05)
Class Five. Page 80-81. Ma’amarim evolve from the Alter Rebbe until our Rebbe. The ‘Flag’ Ma’amar and its development.
Toras Menachem – Bamidbar 5715 (04)
Class Four: Page 79-80. Revelation at Sinai follows the transcending of רפידים.
Toras Menachem – Bamidbar 5715 (03)
Class Three: Page 78- 9. The place called רפידים means רפו ידיהם מדברי תורה. When it comes to Torah if it is not in the hands it isn’t really Torah! Torah (starts higher than intellect and therefore) extends lower than intellect.
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