Sicha – Nitzavim (05)
Likutei Sichos Vol 09 p 184 ff Class Five: Nigla source for the Kisuy of Rosh Hashana being more than the others and therefore blessed by Him. Page 186.
Sicha – Nitzavim (04)
Likutei Sichos Vol 09 p 184 ff Class Four: cont. Questions. 1) on the Baal Shem Tov’s language calling Tishrei the first month, 2) Tishrei is Teshuva time (for us to give) not for Him to bless? Page 185-6.
Sicha – Nitzavim (02)
Likutei Sichos Vol 09 p 184 ff Class Two: 1) Question: why does Hashem bless with our Torah reading? [2)Digression about Tekiyos by the Rebbe]. Page 184.
Sicha – Nitzavim (01)
Likutei Sichos Vol 09 p 184 ff Class One: 1) Introduction. 2) Issue of Kidush and Birchas HaChodesh. 3) Hashem blesses Tishrei with Atem Nitzavim. Page 184 (ch. 1).
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