
Toras Menachem – Simchas Torah 5716 (09) – Sicha Three (03)

Class Nine. Page 139-141. The Rebbe argues that this level of Bittul is at least achievable on the level of action through Kabalas Ol Malchus Shamayim.

Toras Menachem – Simchas Torah 5716 (08) – Sicha Three (02)

Class Eight. Page 137-9. This idea is compared to the concept of תענוג הבד הוא תענוג האדון ממש, the total subservience of the slave to the master, that his master’s pleasure becomes the slave’s pleasure. The Rebbe goes on to say, that since this Ma’amar reached us, this means that we have some possibility to…

Toras Menachem – Simchas Torah 5716 (07) – Sicha Three (01)

Class Seven. Page 137. Yehoshua during Moshe’s lifetime was like Moshe, this incredible anomaly is what made Yehoshua a נער in the favorable sense.  

Toras Menachem – Simchas Torah 5716 (06) – Sicha Two (03)

Class Six. Page 135-6. These changes have to do with Simchas Torah that these things add to the great Joy etc. of the time. The greatest revelations happen then.

Toras Menachem – Simchas Torah 5716 (05) – Sicha Two (02)

Class Five. Page 133-5. The surprises of the year תרס”ו included 1) המשך תרס”ו, and 2) מאמר קמתי אני לפתוח לדודי, and 3) this מאמר כי נער ישראל ואהבהו. As a rule preparation is Jewish we see this by 1) Hashem, 2) Rav Akiva, 3) The Rebbe RaShaB himself, yet on this occasion he spoke…

Toras Menachem – Simchas Torah 5716 (04) – Sicha Two (01)

Class Four. The מאמר that the Rebbe RaShab said spontaneously: כי נער ישראל ואהבהו תרס”ו. The significance of its reemergence now, 50 years later.  

Toras Menachem – Simchas Torah 5716 (03) – Sicha One (03)

Class Three. Page 131-2. End of Sicha on Teshuva and Simchas bais Hashoaiva.

Toras Menachem – Simchas Torah 5716 (02) – Sicha One (02)

Class Two. Page 129-131. Teshuva is not only about sin but about growth. Moreover the more we grow the more opportunity for further Teshuva there is. On Simchas Bais Hashoaiva because of the heightened moment we sing of Teshuva.  

Toras Menachem – Simchas Torah 5716 (01) – Sicha One (01)

Class One. Page 127-9. 1) The Nigun Darkecha has some sharp -negative- words that are allowed, based on the saying of the Rebbe RaShaB “Simchas Torah can bring no harm”. 2) This statement is not only permission to speak this way but a mandate as there is no Parve in Pnimiyus HaTorah as prescribed by…

Toras Menachem – Simchas Torah 5715 (01) – Sicha Two (01)

Class One. Page 69-71. ‘Kushe Alai Pridaschem’ when one Jew is separated from another Jew he is separated from God. Shmini Atzeres fixes this. The (Suka and the) four kinds only keep us together for the duration of Sukkos, but Shmini Atzeres together keeps us together all year long.