
Toras Menachem – Purim 5713 (08) – Sicha Four (03)

Class Eight. The Avoda of Purim, only for God. What does this mean. Page 34-5.

Toras Menachem – Purim 5713 (04) – Sicha Two (02)

Class Four. The two extremes of Purim, from the highest ( Hodu) to the lowest (Kush). Boruch Mordechai and Arur Haman also join on this level (in Avoda). Page 29-31.

Sicha – Natural Effects – Purim (03)

Likutei Sichos – Vol 31 p 170 ff The Yidden threw off the divine protection, by insisting that they could achieve protection through natural means, by being endeared to the non-Jews at that time. And thus they opened themselves up to accidents and Tzuros. Page 171-2.

Sicha – Purim – Hidden (13)

Likutei Sichos Vol 5 pp189 ff Uncovering Nature. A final new idea is introduced- the three concepts of revelation. First there is the obvious light of Hashem that comes from outside the natural order – such as the miracles of Pesach. The implication of this Sicha is that there is a second intermediate level of…

Sicha – Purim – Hidden (12)

Likutei Sichos Vol 5 pp189 ff Hashem goes into exile with us. This class addresses the difficult topic of how to view hardship in the world that is entirely under G-d’s control. Then goes into a discussion of names in general and names of Hashem. Finally we come to the Gemara’s question “Where is Esther’s…

Sicha – Purim – Hidden (11)

Likutei Sichos Vol 5 pp189 ff Is everything a miracle? This class jumps right into the Sicha. At the halfway point, a student asks, “Given this logic, isn’t everything a miracle?” This leads to a philosophical clarification about miracles/Divine providence (hashgacha pratis) and an inspirational version of “Hashem is here Hashem is there’. The end…

Sicha – Purim – Hidden (10)

Likutei Sichos Vol 5 pp189 ff The highest unity. The discussion of miracles continues and expands into an exploration of the great miracle of Purim. The key to answering the questions raised in the beginning of the series turns out to be the hidden nature of the Purim miracle.

Sicha – Purim – Hidden (09)

Likutei Sichos Vol 5 pp189 ff The message of a miracle. This class begins with a short summary of the Purim- Yom Kippur connection. The main topic of this class is miracles. Specifically a comparison of the two different types of miracles discussed in Chassidus- those that break the natural order versus those that occur…

Sicha – Purim – Hidden (08)

Likutei Sichos Vol 5 pp189 ff The Purim- Yom Kippur connection. There is a short summary at the beginning of the class of the entire series up to this point. The class then moves into a fascinating explanation of the connection between Purim and Yom Kippur. Understanding this connection gives new meaning to the entire…

Sicha – Purim – Hidden (07)

Likutei Sichos Vol 5 pp 189 ff You can not Withdraw From An Empty Account. The class focuses on how important spiritual health is even when we are not the least bit aware of it. The section of the sicha discussed includes a moving analogy regarding the state of our accounts with Hashem (G-d). The…