Sicha – Purim – Hidden (06)
Likutei Sichos Vol 5 pp189 ff An Inner Need for Teshuva. This class takes us into the choice of Mordechai and Esther To do teshuva personally (to repent) and to urge the Jewish people to Teshuva as a strategy to overcome the evil decree. The sicha then addresses how the behavior of the jews of…
Sicha – Purim – Hidden (05)
Likutei Sichos Vol 5 pp189 ff The fast of Esther. This class begins with a short and clear discussion of the concept in Chassidus of tzimtzum (G-d “removes Himself” and yet is revealed at the core level). Then Rabbi Paltiel brings to life the situation of Mordechai and Esther after Haman’s evil plot was hatched….
Sicha – Purim – Hidden (04)
Likutei Sichos Vol 5 pp189 ff Kreplach and a jug of wine. This class starts out with two stories that deepen the explanation of the Baal Shem Tov’s view of hashgacha pratis (specific Divine providence). This background provides the tools to further clarify why the Yom Tov of Purim is named after a lottery intended…
Sicha – Purim – Hidden (03)
Likutei Sichos Vol 5 pp189 ff Love beyond reason. This class explores the two concepts in hashgacha (providence) 1) Klalis (general) and 2) Protis (detailed). this is then applied to the story of Purim. This class provides a good example of how Chassidic philosophy brings sparkling clarity to a mysterious Torah question. In this case,…
Sicha – Purim – Hidden (02)
Likutei Sichos Vol 5 pp189 ff A Yom Tov named Purim. This class addresses several questions related to Purim: 1) Why use a Persian name for this Yom Tov? 2) Why use a name that reminds us of the tragedy rather than the miracle? 3) Why is G-d’s name never mentioned in the Megilla? and…
Toras Menachem – Purim 5713 (05) – Sicha Three
Class Five. Renewing the custom (that is known as ‘Kupas Rabbeinu’) Tzedaka on the mind of the Rebbe RaShaB. The Rebbe encourages the bringing back of this minhag. Page 31-2.
Toras Menachem – Purim 5712 (05) Class Five.
1) Explanations of the idea that “Ata Avinu” emerges only in darkness: A. The idea that after the Tzimtzum the “Maor” [Source] is revealed, B. In the darkest Golus where the NARNA”CH is more concealed, the Yechida is closer to the surface [Example: Marronos vs. Chanania Mishael and Azaria]. 2) “So much” is holding onto…
Toras Menachem – Purim 5712 (04) Class Four.
The influence of Chassidus is felt now in the deepest point of the Golus. Now it reveals the very deepest idea of “Ki Ata Avinu” in the absence of Giluyim- Avrohom and Yaakov. Page 27-8.
Toras Menachem – Purim 5712 (03) Class Three.
Mordechai’s influence on everyone as long as they are a Yehudi of whatever level, even of the Yid that represents the Nefesh Habahamis. Page 26-7.
Toras Menachem – Purim 5712 (02) Class Two.
Mordechai’s influence is felt especially in walled (protected by Torah) cities. Even those that are now destroyed but were vibrant (Eretz= Ratzon, Yisroel= 600,000 letters in the Torah) at the time Yidden entered Eretz Yisroel so long before. Page 24-6.
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