
Sicha – Nitzchiyus HaTorah (11)

Likutei Sichos – Vol 23 p 33 ff The teachings of Torah are first in heaven and second on earth, but the Mitzvos (actions) are first (and only) down here in the physical world. Page 38.

Sicha – Nitzchiyus HaTorah (10)

Likutei Sichos – Vol 23 p 33 ff The answer from inside the text. At the end of this class there’s a commentary on evolution attempting to offer a mystical explanation for the apparent relatedness of species. Page 37-8.

Sicha – Nitzchiyus HaTorah (09)

Likutei Sichos – Vol 23 p 33 ff Rebbe’s answer: There is the supernal that never changes and it’s manifestation that sometimes is out of alignment. The examples given for this are: 1) The beauty of Kohein Gadol’s clothing, 2) The design of the Beis Hamikdash, 3) The length of the year.

Sicha – Nitzchiyus HaTorah (08)

Likutei Sichos – Vol 23 p 33 ff The question still remains, how is the diet and medicines (that are not limited to any constraints of time within Torah) have these limitations? Page 37.

Sicha – Nitzchiyus HaTorah (07)

Likutei Sichos – Vol 23 p 33 ff Attempted answer, the opportunity to keep the diet and remedies has expired. Like our inability to erase Amalaik, because they no longer exist and yet it is one of the 613 Mitzvos. This class discusses the rules that govern how we determine what are the 613 Mitzvos…

Sicha – Nitzchiyus HaTorah (06)

Likutei Sichos – Vol 23 p 33 ff The question the Gemara’s remedies and the RaMbaM’s diet are Torah, as they are recorded in their Torah works. Yet the Acharonim say that they are not applicable any longer. How can this be resolved? Page 34-7.

Sicha – Nitzchiyus HaTorah (05)

Likutei Sichos – Vol 23 p 33 ff The argument that introduces this sicha’s question: Torah never changes. The faith that is needed to maintain this priority. Page 34.

Sicha – Nitzchiyus HaTorah (04)

Likutei Sichos – Vol 23 p 33 ff Post Mattan Torah Mitzvos are about and for [the unchanging] G-d also, while the pre Mattan Torah idea, being that it was for us, was flexible and dynamic. Page 33-4.

Sicha – Nitzchiyus HaTorah (03)

Likutei Sichos – Vol 23 p 33 ff Differences between the pre and post Mattan Torah. 1) It was given in its entirety to each Jew [all at once], 2) It was commanded and not done by volunteering, 3) Cannot change. The addition of Anochi changed all that. Page 33.